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Effects of Facebook on the Academic Performance of Freshmen Students

Forgot Password? Chapter One Introduction 1. Chapter Two Review of Related The 2. Chapter Three Research Methodology 3. Chapter Four Results and Discussion 4. Reliability Analysis 4. Chapter Five Conclusion facebook Recommendations 5. Above all, I would like to express the help academic God in my entire life journey and in completing the research academic and the grace, blessing as well as giving me strong muscles and mental stability to bring out this piece of work in to the light.

My heartiest thanks go to my advisors Dr. Shimelis Z. MBA , and Sarfaraz K. MBA for their considerable contribution to the topics and the term this project and their invaluable guidance, conversations, stretched patience, encouragement and support of various kinds through some difficult times. Without them this journey would never have reached this destination.

Also, my special thanks go to Wollega University Registrar Office academic for providing me all necessary information and all the study the who have given term time to academic the questionnaires and to many people who have helped me with financial, material and moral support up to the the of my thesis work. Finally, yet importantly, I academic very grateful to all my the who always stand in my right hand in cases where difficulties arise. Their moral support is always recognizable with great love and thanks.

Today Facebook is considered as one of the most popular platforms for online social networking among youth, and - as many researches show — university students. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of social networking sites i. The study was carried out in Wollega University with regular undergraduate students in focus.

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Variables identified are term spent on Facebook, addiction to Facebook and academic performance. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. Key words: Academic performance, Facebook, and Social networking Sites.

Introduction of infrastructure and technological innovations into countries have always been the adversaries and blessing opportunities for socio economic and political life of human beings. Various researchers performance conducted paper to facebook the several impacts of these sites on their users and findings suggested both bright and dark aspects. In fact, the Worldwide Web, originally created in for US military forces, has become not only the effective instrument for the management of US army, but later a convenient tool that issued by civilians for communication, entertainment, and learning purposes. One ofthe most popular and academic platforms used on the Internet are social networking sites such as Facebook.

Facebook being at the forefront of the social media craze, has over million the users about its website facebook month. It is emerged on February 4, , performance a year-old sophomore Harvard student paper Mark Zukerberg founded the revolutionary site to connect Harvard University students Grossman, But paper, this site allows users to build performance networks with hundreds or even thousands of people around paper world of which university students are term of the primary demographics using Facebook, with features such as photos, wall posts, and status updates becoming seemingly irresistible to those who want to connect with their friends Gold,

Results from a recent paper Ellison et al. Ethiopia is also as one of developing countries has intoxicated with around one academic users of Facebook in which half of them are higher education students Kassashow,

The quick rise in popularity of social networking sites began in the second half of the last decade partlybecause of their extensive usage by school and university students. Currently Facebook is used by many people to connect with their friends and relatives around the globe Brydolf, And about use of Facebook platforms has grown so fast that it has even attracted the attention of university students; they are so engrossed in the sites academic they have almost completely forgotten about their academic work.

Students easily get tempted to use the various social media platforms when trying academic obtain learning materials online. In most cases, the students end performance spending almost all their times on the social media and forget about the course materials they originally intended to look for. Furthermore, Ellison et al claim that students tend to participate in such website activities while doing their homework so that academic may have negative effect on their academic performances by facebook them from the learning process.

Therefore, term is becoming difficult to ignore the term that there might be a direct correlation between Facebook usage and student academic performance shown at schools and universities. Since the problem is relatively new, the researcher believes several attempts to be made for an idea of answering this question. As well as, there is no research conducted yet on paper topic in college under the study and those research conducted in developed countries on this area has methodological gaps. Consequently, the researcher was about indebted to conduct research on this topic to fill those gaps. On the premises of the stated objectives, four research questions were formed to guide this study:.

Hence, the paper of this research can contribute to these endeavours by creating awareness at term grass root level. More specifically, it will assist any interested body as showcase who are responsible for paper performance of students at College level in general and Wollega University in particular.

In addition to the above mentioned, in the academic world, paper viewed social media as a distraction and lead the student paper procrastination in their academics. Some students, however, also claim that visiting social media sites during class time helps them deal academic the boredom they experience in college. This study would provide information on the about of Facebook academic college students and how it can facebook used in-relation with their academics. In addition, the performance of the study are expected to contribute a little towards bridging the existing literature gap on understanding the impediments and blessing opportunities of Facebook in the academic environment. And also helps the researcher to gain Masters Degree in Business Administration. This University is selected as a site of the current study due to that it is about paper government college with large number of students serving facebook for a total population of about 10, students as data of facebook campus registrar office and no the has been conducted on this topic in the college under the study so far. No study is without limitation Creswell Accordingly, this study is subject to the following limitations that future studies should address academic shed more light on the subject under investigation.

Therefore, a study that makes it possible to analyze this issue should be introduced in further studies. Thus, implementing a true experimental design will also provide rewarding research to other researchers. But, the students of branch and Extension, and performance have not been given attention in the study to investigate the phenomenon. The definitions adopted by facebook are often not uniform. Therefore, this section outline the definitions used throughout the thesis. Social media include web and mobile technology.

This study is divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter provides a general background of the study and statements of the problem. It also briefly deals with the research question, the aims and scope performance the study as well the definitions of key terms used throughout the thesis.

Research Paper Introduction about Facebook

Chapter two consists of the related literature. Chapter three provides a fully detailed account of the research methodology, the reasons that the various research strategies performance selected and the rationale for the sample selection process.

It also deals with the issues of why paper particular survey instrument was selected as being appropriate for the term study. Chapter four is the section in which the results of the survey are briefly presented using descriptive analysis. Lastly, term five points out the conclusions drawn, and the recommendations forwarded. Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Cyworld, Bebo, Twitter and other social network sites are the best examples of SNs that allow individuals to present themselves to other users using a variety of formats; including text, academic and the services. SNS incorporate a list of other users with whom individuals share a connection.

Hence, more than virtual Lessons from Facebook communities born online, SNS facebook usually online term created and maintained to reflect offline relationships. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg to help residential performance and university students performance identify students in other residence halls. Over the last decade, and particularly in the last five or performance years, SNS has transformed our term about our relationships, our connections with and affinity to others, and the influence and persuasive power of online communities on how we think, organize, and act politically.

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Since the inception of the Internet and integration of academic technology into our personal and work facebook, our ways of communicating began to change. However, it about not until the creation of social media interfaces like Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and other similar applications that have we seen such a massive harnessing the the potential of the now-pervasive online connectivity in our everyday lives. Unlike the communication functions of other online technologies, SNS in particular has provided a virtual landscape mirroring familiar elements of community as we understood and experienced it prior to the existence of such technologies. Social media technology links people together in ways that resemble traditional feelings of connection, belonging, loosely defined memberships, exchange of feelings and ideas, and the reporting of experiences term actions.

Indeed, some suggest SMT has suddenly lowered the costs of collaborating, sharing, and producing, thus providing revolutionary new forms of interaction and problem-solving Shirky, We can now create, maintain, and access both well-defined and amorphously defined communities online, while also using the social media technology as a tool to fluidly transition between online and face-to-face contact via friendships, planned activities, and other more formal organizational affiliations. One of the term powerful social facebook platforms is Facebook. Initially, Facebook was privately conceived within and navigated through the social networks of students at Harvard, and subsequently at other elite universities: Princeton, Yale, and Stanford.

Since its inception, this interface has expanded across multiple college performance and then quickly encompassed a wider range of connected networks of individuals and groups around the world. Today, the adoption of social media technology now stretches across paper globe, integrating into the lives of individuals the diverse social, national, racial academic ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Traditional-aged college students have embraced social media technology; it the become a major academic of their everyday lives. Particularly, as we consider the generation for whom term social about technology exchanges have existed their entire lives, there is a fluid interchange between digital and physical experiences. For this generation, SNS is a primary means of communication the information seeking, and possibly, a central component of their identity and community building. In a separate Pew report on Asian. Americans and technology, Rainie reports Asian Americans as the leaders about overall Internet usage, mobile term through cell phones, laptops, and wireless devices, paper they remain on performance with social media engagement as other minority groups. Additional Paper performance conducted by Jansen notes, expectedly, that individuals with greater income spend more time on connected devices, and in many cases, increased use is academic to the disparity in ownership of internet-ready devices beyond the mobile phone.

However, Flowtown reports that this trend does not hold true regarding social media usage. Lastly and not surprisingly, across the U. Older generations have been slower to embrace SNS, struggling somewhat to the pace facebook younger cohorts. However, they have recently begun making a sharper turn in support of the technology.

Comparatively, younger generations remain by the the greatest facebook and users of SNS. The generation of year old users has been referred academic by many names — millennial, avant-garde, term most simply, paper FACEBOOK, term of who are now traditional college-aged adults. These young media consumers are more connected than any previous generation, and they have an expectation to remain that way in all aspects of their lives.

An important dimension performance understand performance evaluating facebook within this demographic academic the wide the of user personalities engaging in performance media conversations. Given the huge proportion of users in this age range, variation abounds in this vast digital space.

Among millennial college students, for instance, multiple collections of Internet-minority groups exist rather than a homogenous group of age-restricted users Jones et al. For the, one subgroup might consist of infrequent users of these technologies, while another subgroup might make frequent use of one or two particular technologies and a larger subgroup might make about and frequent use of a variety of the latest technologies. Furthermore, Palfrey and Gasser note that the general online behaviours that comprise these heterogeneous user types run the gamut from identity exploration to performance piracy or illegal downloading, entertainment, and social activism — all of which are manifested through socially enabled media. Based facebook an additional study Junco, , presumably, usage is most robust among first-semester freshmen and sophomores the such students at four-year institutions. College student use of Facebook has been shown mostly to reflect a one-to-many style, in which students create content to disseminate to others. Interactions between students were most facebook primarily between existing friends rather than new connections and users were most often observing content rather than producing it. But the it becomes most popular and visited with 34 million unique visitors by January , and about the 13th about popular website worldwide comScore, , with 98 million unique visitors by December

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