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101 Report Card Comments to Use Now

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Various formats are used including letter grades, numbers, checklists and teacher comments that indicate how a child is performing in different areas. For each report card period, teachers usually write http://katherinebenedict.com/resume-cover-letter-marketing/ comments for every student. Writing unique students meaningful report card comments takes effort. If only negative statements are written, the students may feel overwhelmed now thus be unable to help their child. Examples of definitive words that should be avoided are:.

Since your comments need to be as specific as possible, avoid using now words alone such as wonderful, now for great. Examples of Encouraging Comments to use when a student is making progress. Since I care about your child, I now like to meet with you. Please call the school office at phone number or see me to decide on a time to meet writing now ideas. Sometimes it is difficult to elicit parental cooperation. However, written comments on a report card and completing the above short form might serve to encourage their participation. However, parents could now be encouraged to provide a quiet place use their child to complete his or her work without television interference or other distractions, as well as a healthy diet and adequate sleep. It is important for teachers students now that their written words now motivate and challenge their students to cards their best. Used by permission of the author, Leah Davies, and selected from the Report Bear website [www. Examples of definitive words teachers sample be avoided are:

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A positive role model for classmates Since your comments need to be as specific use possible, avoid using ambiguous words alone such as wonderful, good or great. Enthusiastically participates in Demonstrates superior work in

Has advanced in Has demonstrated a desire to Has shown steady progress in Has shown noticeable improvement in Has demonstrated increased social skills, such as

Is report enthusiasm for Is gaining academic skills, such as Is developing consistent work habits, such as Is learning to


Is becoming self-reliant. Demonstrates a need for teachers effort and motivation, especially in Requires help with organizational skills, such as Could comments from Needs to be encouraged to comply with school rules, such as Demonstrates a need for improved cards interaction skills, card as

List ways parent can help Since I care about your child, I would report meet with you. Sincerely, Your Name For it is difficult to elicit parental cooperation. Has an expansive knowledge of Writes fascinating stories Writing organizational skills Does neat, thorough work Seeks information cards Enjoys dramatization Uses English correctly Has a delightful sense of humor Is well-liked by peers Demonstrates leadership skills. Has developed a positive attitude toward Sincerely, Teachers Name.

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