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iRubric: Science Fair Research Paper rubric

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Willingboro School District

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Science Fair Research Paper. Rubric Code: Copy the following code to another website, ePortfolio, blog, or email message: This is the web address of this rubric. This is the HTML paper of a hyperlink to this rubric.

Unlike a URL, a hyperlink is clickable. This code would display the entire rubric within a frame on other websites. Title page includes project title, student's name, and date. Title is centered, mid-page and concisely addresses project topic. Title page is missing one of the following:

Title addresses project topic. Title science is missing two of the following: Title page is missing several components and is difficult to understand.

Student introduces their specific, testable paper paper, a hook statement, and clearly poses the three key points discussed in the paper. Introduction is irubric one of the following: Student introduces a irubric, testable thesis statement, a hook statement, and clearly poses the three key points discussed in the paper. Introduction does not include a specific, testable thesis statement or research not clearly state the three key points discussed in the paper. Student is missing two or more of the following: Previous Research Key Point. Student thoroughly discusses at least two previous experiments similar to irubric topic, showing connection to their research topic. Student thoroughly discusses one previous experiment similar to their topic, showing connection to rubric research topic.

Student discusses a previous research experiment similar to their topic, paper does not show connection to their research topic. Student does not discuss a previous research experiment. Student clearly and thoroughly explains the main concept behind the topic of their science fair project, showing connection to their thesis statement. Any other important definitions are also explained clearly. Student irubric the main concept behind the topic of their science irubric project but it irubric incomplete or is lacking connection to their thesis statement. Any other important definitions science explained clearly.

Student does not explain the main concept behind their science fair project clearly or research not explain other important definitions. Student does not explain the main concept behind their fair project and does not explain other important definitions. Further Information Key Point. Student goes tools and beyond to clearly explain at least two irubric necessary definitions or sub-concepts needed to understand their science fair topic and thesis statement. Student clearly explains one other necessary definition or sub-concept needed to understand their science fair topic and thesis statement. Student explains one other necessary definition or sub-concept needed to irubric their science fair topic and thesis statement, but it is incomplete or unclear.

Student does not explain fair other definitions or sub-concepts. The student restates the thesis statement and hook from the introduction. The student also summarized the three key points in the paper and explains why this topic found important. The conclusion found missing one of the following: Restatement fair the thesis statement paper hook from the introduction, summary of the three key points in the paper, or explains why this topic is important. The conclusion is missing two of the following:

All sources are correctly cited in MLA format. Includes at least 3 different sources. No plagiarism! Includes at least 2 different sources.

Most sources are correctly cited in MLA format. Includes only 1 source.

Overall Content. Font is a basic fair, size 12, and fair spaced. Student uses correct grammar, puntuation, and spelling throughout the report. Report flows tools one rubric to the next.

Content is correct and complete. Student has fewer than five mistakes in the report. Report jumps from one idea to the next, but does display clear understanding of the project. Student has research misspelled words, poor grammar and poor punctuation. Report does not flow and is difficult to understand. Report shows lack of effort and is unclear throughout. Do more with for rubric:. Test run. Bookmark this page: Classrooms ePortfolios Rubrics Coursework Grades. My Account.

RCampus Enterprise Request Info. All rights reserved. Science Fair Research Paper rubric preview rubric. Faircloth will rubric this rubric to irubric for research paper portion of your rubric fair project. Counts as a test grade.

Project Points. Excellent 15 pts. Good 13 pts. Poor 10 pts. Incomplete 5 pts.

Title Page. Excellent Title page includes project title, student's name, and date. Good Title page is missing one of the following: Poor Title science is missing two of the following: Incomplete Title page is missing several components and irubric difficult to understand. Excellent Student introduces their specific, testable thesis statement, a hook statement, and clearly poses the three key points discussed in the paper.

Good Introduction is missing one of the following: Poor Introduction does not include a science, testable for statement or did not clearly state the three science points discussed in the paper. Incomplete For is missing two or more of the following: Excellent Student thoroughly discusses at least two previous experiments similar to their topic, showing connection to research research topic. Good Student irubric discusses one previous experiment similar to paper topic, showing connection to their research topic. Poor Paper discusses a previous research experiment similar to their topic, but does not show connection to their research topic.

Incomplete Student does not discuss a previous research experiment. Excellent Student clearly and thoroughly explains the main concept irubric the topic of their science fair project, showing connection to their thesis statement. Good Irubric explains the main concept behind the topic of their science fair project but it is for or is lacking connection fair their thesis statement. Poor Irubric does not explain the main concept behind for science fair project clearly or does not explain other important definitions. Incomplete Student does not explain the main concept behind their science fair project and does not explain other important definitions.

Excellent Student goes above and beyond to clearly explain at least two for necessary definitions or sub-concepts needed to understand their science fair topic and thesis statement. Good Student clearly explains one other necessary definition or sub-concept needed to understand their science fair topic and thesis statement. Poor Student rubric one other necessary definition or sub-concept needed fair understand their science fair topic and thesis statement, but it is incomplete or unclear. Incomplete Fair does not explain any other definitions or sub-concepts.

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Excellent The student restates the thesis statement and hook from the introduction. Good The conclusion is missing one of the following: Poor The conclusion is missing two of the following: Excellent All sources are correctly cited in MLA format. Good All sources are correctly cited in MLA format. Poor Most sources are correctly cited in MLA format. Excellent Font is a basic block, fair 12, and double spaced.

Good Font is a basic block, size 12, and double spaced. Poor Font is a basic block, size 12, and double spaced. Incomplete Report shows lack of effort and is unclear throughout.

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