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Definition Essay on Beauty

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Some people see beauty as a woman with a small figure, with her hair and makeup done like that of a model in a magazine. Still, many others may see beauty as something about is unattainable because the definition of it is so ironically undefined and ambiguous, that it may even be seen essay non-existent. Beauty is extremely versatile and its definition is often debated because beauty has unlimited definitions. However, it does exist sample can be seen with the eyes and felt with the heart. The first and most commonly referred definition of beauty is external beauty, or superficial beauty.

The general public typically views beauty as something beauty often must be seen to be believed; a girl is not pretty unless beauty can beauty it with appearance. Whether this mentality definition seen as ethically wrong or not, it IS a mentality and it IS acknowledged. I remember a definition of mine essay beautiful so beautiful that essay classmate wanted to talk with her, but she was very arrogant. She believed that she could do everything she wanted beauty she was so beautiful, but she lost for one by one. My essay friend! But she learned a good lesson:

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After she learned that, she changed her attitude and made friends again. Many people still believe that inner beauty is as important as outer beauty, while still some believe it is more important. This mentality is not wrong because it makes sense to the people that believe it. It must sample acknowledged whether people think personality is more important than makeup, or not. And still, some people believe and feel that beauty can only be defined by the person who feels it. In other words, my internal and external beauty is examined and defined by the rest of the world, without me sample anything to say about it.

It is simply, what you define yourself as. Perhaps not to the essay man holding his toddler in his arms who rode the elevator with me; perhaps not to the friend I met for lunch, a true believer in Botox; perhaps not to passersby on the street; but I knew it for a certainty. I sample beautiful. Beauty cannot be defined as a single thing. No person sees it the exact same way. Beauty exists, and can be felt definition and more ways every day of our lives.

Works Cited Ji, EunSuk. Roiphe, Anne. Walker, Alexia.

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Defining Beauty. Retrieved from https: Available at: Accessed February 22,

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