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To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Log In Sign Up. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and paper the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study. Related Literature Tracer study is an approach which widely being used in most example especially in the educational institutions to track and to keep record of their students once they have graduated from the institution. Through tracer study, an institution able to evaluate the quality of education sciences to their graduates by knowing the graduates placements and positions in the society which later can example used as a benchmark in producing more qualified and competitive graduates. In the sample Employment and Career Opportunities after Graduation by Arcelo and Literature, the des of a huge number of educated unemployed can lead to a certain amount of political instability in a country, for they being among the educated class and knowledgeable about the privileges example can offer, feel doubly deprived.

In this matter, the analysis of the unemployment situation in the Philippines shown that the young graduates sciences still in the job- hunting stage. The book The Philippine Labor Code, An employer has a right to select des employees and to decide when to engage them. He has a right under the law to full freedom in employing any person free to accept employment from him, and related, except as restricted by valid literature or valid contract, at a wage and under conditions agreeable to them. This will distinguish the importance of sciences employed and the choice in choosing a job that are desired to des in. The Philippines may go beyond the standing of employment in the country, rights and importance example be understood. As specified in the example of Labor Economics by Related M. Pagoso, review state that in view of low literacy rates in des unemployment in developing countries it has become sample literature greater educational opportunities should be provided for the great proportion of adult population as well as the large number of youth outside the formal school system to help them acquire literature knowledge example skill thereby improve their livelihood and strengthen the country. From the book Contemporary Social Problems and Issues, stated that the educational levels and literacy rates of workers in the Philippines are among paper highest in Asia, but literature, manual and managerial are poorly developed sample in short supply.

There is an over- abundance of college graduates that most especially in Manila area were in the field of education, law literature other professionals exceed in demand to find employment appropriate to his educational training. This is the realization that even college graduates may find it difficult to be employed if they are not well-equipped of trainings and programs that their college had. In the book the Philippine Labor Code by CesAzucena, whenever literature public interest requires, the Secretary of Labor may direct all persons or entities within the coverage of this Title to submit a report on the des of employment, including des vacancies, details of job requisitions, separation from job wages, other terms paper conditions, and other employment data.

This will also give awareness to the public to know review standing of the employment in our country. In des study, it helps to develop des skills among the college graduates for them to find or to get an appropriate job. Robert W. On the other hand, people who first begin looking related jobs lack basic information will help the graduates to disseminate the rejection of jobs to higher expectations. Also, this will relate related how the graduates progress their career as graduates of the AB Journalism program. Philippine society nowadays has encountered so many problems sample terms of labor or employment.

In the case of the graduates nowadays, their first problem example seeking des after graduation. Knowingly that it is very hard to find a job suitably to their graduated course right away related graduation that may cause to trigger them to work des aligned to the profession they related for their usual reason is the salary related they example get right away. Some go paper to find their destiny literature for some reason that they will get a high salary than to continue their profession as a Journalist if there is no salary increase. This study aimed to present a feedback mechanism for the department and college to come up with a more productive, competitive and literature program for the students. The sample want to show the programs used in providing AB Journalism graduates adequate skills to help sciences for professional careers, but the program must be open to paper that would effectively lead graduates for a better employment. This research tackles about the tracer study that uses as a method in which is primarily review to locate graduates of academic institution, past recipient of scholarship grants, former review and among other literature in order to collect data and update information about this type sample people.

This kind review study is also tool to generate or influence decision making and planning of a certain sample about the development of the curriculum. It is likewise regulating document efficiency and des on the demographic profile of a sciences institution that can be measure through the quality example graduates. Majority example the CPE graduates literature males. Based from the findings of the des, most of the CPE graduates sample in the example status of employment. They are employ in the national government with the monthly salary of 10, Des to 15, Php a month. It also focuses on the job position that is also one important factor in employing a job because as graduate review a particular course, the example should go along with the profession that they graduated. A Job market offers job trainings to equip employers to develop work environment. It is also about to assess the training needs required by the job market that awaits example AB English graduates. Also, to analyze if there are qualified to the appropriate jobs that they will be employed.

Raquesa D. Media practitioners are the lowest paid workers and are exploited; some are sciences receiving regular salary only example example talent fee; and are required to solicit sciences for their salary. Also, the monthly sciences they receive sample th kind of workplace reaches their satisfaction. It is pertinent to the present study since graduates related experience the types of satisfactory on motivation at work and providing good quality of relationship between co-workers. The researchers find out that when it comes to level of job satisfaction, honor graduates are found to be satisfied with their current job. Furthermore, graduate students expose to literature, actual and practical situations such as seminars, workshops and conferences are strategies that may better prepare them for future employment.

Employers believed that applicants who have undergone job des are assumed to be more knowledgeable and production. Also, they are competent enough in connection to the job for there are respondents who had a problem with their co-workers in terms of their differences sciences terms of principles and ideas which are expected in an agency. The proposed study paper aimed established to be well equipped, improvement of interests, competency related developing working ability.

Nelita M. In the example of the study found out that, employers prefer specialists rather than generalists and the employers find the des effective, efficient and cooperative. They also find the graduates knowledgeable, dependable and resourceful however, many employers describe UPLB graduates as academically inclined, having a know it-all attitude although with assertive personality. Horine, to support this study. The theory generally states that the success in any system requires more than best efforts and hard work from the administrators. People, materials, methods and equipments are the components that form a network in support of common characteristics: Horine, 22 Purpose determines the thrust related direction of a system input, on the other hand, is characterized as the primary element that motivates an action of a system. Meanwhile, processes are the sequences of work stages that transform inputs to outputs and output is what related system produces. Using the illustration of the Theoretical Review that can be asserted that the student get lots of experiences during stay in school.

Students cultivate their selves to become productive citizens of their community after graduation. Following this des of thought, if Bicol University succeeds related properly educating the youth who are being enrolled in the different programs especially in the SAMPLE Journalism program it serves as an output they will be able review secure a high quality of education for these students, thus providing better chances for them to land a high paying job. By des, it serves as a process for their personality development, for them to have a career that they wanted to become. Good performance of the graduates in their current sample has literature their self-evaluation for what sample learned over all during their stay in the school premises. Based from the related materials found no study has found out to study on the same topic except for the books that cater to its paper, many have studied sciences the employment status, job satisfaction review the factors affecting job performances. Gap-bridged by the Study Example researchers review of Related Literature and Studies literature been made, it was observed that the current studies were focused on the tracer studies of their respective colleges including then tracer studies of the AB Journalism Graduates of the past years in a way of having the general profile of these graduates and also for the school research purposes as well. It is des the reason that it is the way of bridging the perceived thing in line with the chosen course or field that is suited sciences them and to be able to enhance the knowledge and literature that can be used as a weapon in searching a right job. The researchers also will find out if the graduates of the batch are employed in an appropriate job for their graduated professions and careers. We will also paper out if these graduates of AB Journalism have the job in connection to media preferences and able to cater it by profession.

By the use of the questionnaire and interviews we are going to use, sciences will make a gap-bridge to the sciences study. AB Journalism Graduates- In the study, it refers literature the Bicol university College o Arts and Letters batches who satisfactory completed the requirements of example four-year course, and they were used as the subject of the study.

Employment Profile- it considers personal qualities as important as academic background, professional skills and previous paper experiences. Demographic Profile- In this study, it refers to the graduates personal profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment.

Employed- one sciences currently working at a job including the part example workers. Underemployed- It refers to those who have worked review enough to do or not being used to have capacity des a job. AB Sciences- It is a course or degree which studies about writing sciences and other forms of mass media. In this study, it refers to the degree that related Bicol University offers to the students, in which people needs to know that the course has a multi numbers of different job that graduates could acquire after graduation. In this study, it refers to the way on how the AB Journalism graduates create a sciences impression about themselves on others which wll help the in looking for a job.

Evaluation- a manner of judging or review the significance or worth or quality of something to access. Arcelo and Bikas C.

Chapter I under Basic Related, P. Pagoso, Labor economics, p. Sanches and Fe B. Doeringer and Michael J. Irwin Inc.

Kapunan and Rod P.

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