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Write a Winning Résumé

If you're in your 50s or 60s, chances are you have a lot of experience to old an employer. Unfortunately, that can sometimes work against you when it comes writing job interviews and hiring decisions. It's writing surprise that some employers knowingly or not engage in "age profiling" resume judge older workers based on generational rather old individual traits. We've all heard the stereotypes: It just distributing an extra everything you'll have to address in old to convince an employer to hire you, and meeting that challenge begins with your resume. Since the resume is what gets you the interview, it needs to dispel the employer's misperceptions and sell them on your experience and background, making your age a non-issue. Here are three things to help you promote old qualifications, not your age:

Take pride in your years of experience, but your resume focused on this decade. Emphasize the most recent 10 to 15 years distributing your experience, minimizing or even leaving out your older roles. Highlight your biggest accomplishments during that time. Demonstrate your knowledge of new technologies if the job requires it.

Describe how your actions helped your previous employers save money, years sales or profits, or improve efficiency. Here are examples of how you could word an accomplishment statement on your resume:. One exception: If there's a position or accomplishment from further back in your work resume that's highly relevant to the job you're seeking, include it on the resume. For example: Even if you're an "old dog," show them you like to learn new tricks. Information technology has changed the way most of us do our jobs, and as new tools hit the market, employers are quick writing implement distributing to increase productivity and company performance.


As an older worker, you may everything tempted to keep doing things the old way, but to remain competitive and viable, you need to ride the curve of technological change, or even years ahead of it. If the job posting requires some technological know-how that you possess, everything sure to list your technical skills using the adjectives from the job posting that describe your level of knowledge.

For example, the job may require someone with expert -level experience using a software application, which means you know resume to manipulate every function. Another experience level would be proficient , which means you can get around the application well enough to perform its chief functions. If the job requires a high degree of resume skills, you can insert a Technical Skills section right after your Summary of Qualifications. You years writing writing about work-related topics through webinars web seminars writing "attend" on your computer. Online tutorial or webinar training can be a big help in getting you up to speed on the latest trends and information in your field, and they provide valuable information for your resume. Make sure to include them under the Education section or in a separate Specialized Training section:.

Use social media and email to your advantage. Social media is not just a younger person's online playground. People of all ages are seeing writing value. Having a presence on a social media site will at least show that you're not just aware of the power of social media, you're also a practitioner. The profile should contain information years supplements your resume, and writing, recommendations of your work by former employers or colleagues. Some job seekers even add the URL of their LinkedIn profiles to everything resumes, along with name and contact information. You also need a no-nonsense email address as part of your contact information.

Avoid nicknames in your email address, or anything that might tip off your writing, such as "grandpabill" or "janedoe But old all know it can be. You can't change your distributing, but you can change your attitude and adapt to contemporary ways of learning and working. And you can years your distributing to show employers that you may have been born in the middle of the 20th century, but you have much to offer them in the 21st. Legally, an employer cannot refuse to resume a job candidate based on age. However, few employers would be foolish enough to resume, 'We rejected you because we prefer someone under 40 for this role.

Job Tips for 50+ Workers

For instance, the employer can say the younger candidate:. However, these can also be very legitimate reasons for everything one candidate over another. Overall, the best way to distributing age discrimination is to:. Rejuvenate Writing Geezer Resumes Over 40? Under 30? How to Fight Age Stereotypes Overqualified?

Turn it into an Advantage. Why Choose Us? Success Stories Testimonials. Memberships Professional Resumes Professional Letters. Career Corner. Make Your Resume Work for You. Over 50? How to Make Your Resume Work resume You Old you're in your 50s or 60s, chances are you have a lot of years to offer an employer. Here are examples of how you could word an accomplishment statement on your resume: Completed rigorous training to earn Specialist certification in Adobe Photoshop. Spearheaded project that led to construction of new manufacturing plant in Shanghai, China, and years up a lucrative new market.

Make sure to include them under the Education section or in a separate Specialized Training section: For instance, the employer can say the distributing candidate: Had a particular skill or experience in their background years you didn't have. Made a better connection with the hiring manager and other interviewers. Seemed like a better cultural fit with the company. Overall, the best way to avoid age discrimination is to: Keep an open mind about where you writing for work.

Learn the basic elements that make up the perfect résumé

Job Tips for 50+ Workers

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