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Writing Action Research or Field Report

Presentation on theme: "Writing Action Research or Field Report"— Presentation transcript:

Shoulder uses cookies to improve action powerpoint performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue cv template uk doc the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Published on Mar 7, This power point presentation is related to the topic green research report writing.

It involves meaning of report writing, its functions action essentialities,types,planning and report writing,format of a research report,preparation of research report,its contents,report writing stages etc. SlideShare Explore Field You. Submit Search. Successfully action this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity field to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. You can change your ad preferences anytime.

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No notes for slide. The purpose of research report is communicate the result with interested parties. Reporting is the end product of a research activity. Research report communicate the problem, the method, facts, the conclusions and their interrelationships. It serves as a reference material for future use. It reveals the research ability of the researcher.

It is useful to policy makers and administrators writing taking decisions and policies. It provides action research on problems and issues analyzed. Clarity and coherence 2. Writing research 3. Brevity 4. Objective 5.

Styled to the readers taste 6. Readability 7. Continuity of ideas 8. Consistency 9.

Presentation on theme: "Writing Action Research or Field Report"— Presentation transcript:

Presentation on theme: "Writing Action Research or Field Report"— Presentation transcript:

Planning and organizing Avoiding personal opinion Interest and appeal 5 6. Oral report 2. Written report i. Popular report ii.

Technical report iii. Interim report iv. Summary report 6 7.

Target audience 2. Communication characteristics of the spectators 3. The powerpoint of research report 4. The type of your report 5. Scope of the report 6. Style of reporting 7. Format of the report 8. Prepare detailed outline 7 8. The preliminaries i. The title report ii.

Preface iii. Table of content iv. List of tables and figures 2. The text i. Abstract ii.

Introduction iii. Research procedure iv. Result v. Discussion vi. Conclusion and summary 8 9. The reference material i. Bibliography ii. Appendices iii. Index if any 9

They are 1. Organization or structure of research report 2. Write up 3.

Presentation on theme: "Writing Action Research or Field Report"— Presentation transcript:

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