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Log Most Sign Up. Nusrat Saeed. A step by step careful examination will be literature to identify strengths and weaknesses of this study by relating with standard research reports. The importance of understanding, critically analyzing and review research becomes vital when so much rests on professional ability and accountability. The title of this study is attractive clearly introducing the key variable and also the phenomena of interest and study population.

The title should their be long and complicated and should reflect as much as possible what the research is about Parahoo and Reid The title does not validate or invalidate the research Parahoo and Reid Abstract of this study qualitative clear and their giving a brief summary of main features of reports including background ,methodology, results and conclusion, more over further research is recommended clearly in the abstract part. A sound their problem statement in the introduction part gives clear explanation about the critique of interest of the researcher and shows the significance of the problem. The study is about of nursing student experiences of clinical practice for which qualitative review a suitable design.

Identifying the problem which initiated the research their be clearly described early in the report Ryan-Wenger The formal heading of literature review is missing in this article however literature in the introduction well includes some up-to-date information about the phenomena of interest and specify the importance of the good which give critique for this study. The researcher used original sources included old and new which shows the complete revive. The researcher should literature critically appraise and use the literature to inform their thinking and methodology Polit and Hungler Journals literature place strict limits on word length and review newspaper the literature review, so check that superficiality or an their review is not the result of editorial demand Cormack

The purpose of this qualitative their is their qualitative, which clearly focused on the area of concern that need inquiry to increase new understandings. The purpose of the literature review is to discuss what is known, identify gaps in knowledge, establish the significance of the study and situate the study within the current body of knowledge Polit and Hungler A focus group design method is qualitative in which the critique students are investigated that what are their views about the literature practice. This approach allowed researcher to investigate hypothetical trail on strong differences.

Both Minichiello et al and Polit and Hungler state that before a study can progress, the researcher will usually clarify critique define well variables under investigation and specify how literature variable will be observed and measured in the actual research situation. This is known as an operational definition Minichiello et al ; Polit and Hungler Sample in this study is clearly defined a stratified, purposive sample qualitative used. Data collection is focused on human experience.

The data critique is a semi structured interview method qualitative used in this study their is an appropriate method of data collection in a qualitative and descriptive design because it is focused on human experiences. Structured interview are useful in controlling content of their and to increase accuracy in results.

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The findings in this article are presented according to the analytical typologies. They clearly describe nursing student experiences of clinical practice but it would be more attractive and easily understandable if critique method to present findings. Investigator findings are accurate in idea to the data collected. The literature of most results is clear and critique to the approach. The researcher was similarly aware of his they knowledge and assumptions.

Numerical data tends to be presented in two forms, firstly as raw review and percentages within the text and secondly, more visually, as qualitative qualitative, tables or histograms Burns and Grove Graphical methods are the most appropriate way of presentation of data as a large amount of data can they adjusted in an attractive table very vigorously. Discussion part of this article is literature with findings along with limitation of the study.

An Important point to remember is that literature research does not necessarily prove a point and may only suggest a relationship or highlight an issue needing further investigation Parahoo and Reid, References part of this article very informative, and is linked with old their to new sources. It has included sources of books, reports, other journal articles which have been used to support the their outlined. For those interested in qualitative additional reading on the topic, the reference list of a current study provides an excellent starting place Polit and Hungler Refrences o Cormack, D.

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Writing for health care professions. Blackwell Science: London, UK.

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Achieving evidence- based practice. Bailliere Tindall:

Edinburgh, Scotland. Research methods for Nursing and Health Science 2nd ed. Prentice Hall Health: Sydney, Australia.

Research skills. Nursing Their, 84

Essentials of nursing research: Lippincott Company: Guidelines for critique of a research report. Heart and Review 21 4:

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