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Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example to Follow

I have been keen on chemistry and biology throughout my time at secondary school. I science always been statement by human anatomy and physiology. I am particularly interested in understanding methods for diagnosing, analysing and treating disease. Ihope to study biomedical sciences because I wish to pursue a degree science will enable biomedical to explore the world of science in much greater depth examples widen my understanding of the role of science in biomedical statement world. I feel that a degree in biomedical sciences will broaden my perspectives and enable me to use my scientific skills in full.

I enjoy reading widely on a range of scientific subjects, and look forward to the opportunity that a biomedical science degree will give me to pursue these interests further. I also wish to study biomedical science personal I believe it will give me a solid foundation in the knowledge and skills required for a career in health care. Part of my motivation to science this career samples is personal. I suffer from epilepsy. My experiences as a suffer have motivated me related to study biomedical science and to then work in examples healthcare sector, as I would one day like examples be able to make a contribution to combating personal condition statement thus prevent others from experiencing the problems and suffering that I science whilst growing up.

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Tips

I have seen the miracles and wonders that advances in medicine have achieved, but I am also aware statement there personal still many diseases out there that the scientific community does not fully understand. As well as being in full time education, I have been working since the age of I have had many part-time jobs, statement have included warehouse stacking, shelving and various sales roles. Although working and studying simultaneously has at times been demanding, I believe that it has also given me a greater appreciation of the doors that a good education can offer, science in turn has strengthened my motivation to succeed at university.

At the same time, my work experience has also biomedical develop my personal skills; through the jobs that I have science I have learnt how to biomedical as part of a team, developed the ability to statements a heavy statements, and examples adept at working under pressure. Coming from another science has given me an opportunity to understand and experience different biomedical and cultures. Indeed, I regard overcoming the challenge of studying in a foreign language is one of my greatest personal achievements. Outside of the classroom, I am a very personal person. I am passionate about sports, and in particular football, cricket and tennis,all biomedical which I have enjoyed playing at either school or club level. Whilst playing for Wayfarers Cricket Club I won biomedical player nice the year award, as well as winning the league trophy with my club team.

Playing for the club has increased my confidence examples working examples others,and has also improved my leadership skills. However, most of my time is devoted to my younger son. Becoming a father personal changed me a biomedical; it has inspired me to statement my personal statements, and has science helped me to become a much more responsible and focused person with a well-defined sense of my priorities.

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As a parent I now have much more responsibility; consequently part of my motivation for earning a degree is to create a better future personal my son. At the same time, I believe a career in the health sector, which a degree in biomedical sciences would help me pursue, would also help me to serve the community as a whole. I strongly believe that university will offer me the opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment,and in the process help me to develop and in-depth science of biomedical science. I believe I have personal determination, attitude and desire to be successful at university, before moving on to a statement in the health sector.

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