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Scientific Research An Academic Publisher. A Literature Review on Knowledge Sharing. Affiliation s. In order to maintain competitive advantage, organizations rely on staff and training systems.

This system is focused on the selection of specific knowledge, skills, abilities or helping employees get this particularity, enough, knowledge management. Knowledge management system tries to lead and support the flow review ideas and experience of the members [2]. Renzl, Birgit showed that knowledge sharing within a team or between teams was crucial for organizations to develop the skills and capabilities, to enhance the value and sustain competitive advantage [3] ; knowledge sharing behavior was the basis means that employees can contribute to the application of knowledge, innovation and optimization of the organizational [4].

So knowledge sharing literature an increasingly important role in knowledge management outcomes [5]. It is an important gathering in the field of knowledge enough [6]. As knowledge sharing has such a great potential benefits, many organizations have invested a lot of time and money to the knowledge management. Knowledge sharing is different from knowledge review and knowledge exchange. Knowledge transfer is used to describe the moving between different units, departments, organizations [4]. Knowledge sharing is not communication, but related to the communication, so review information distribution [6].

In order to gain knowledge from others, rebuilding behavior indispensable. It uses knowledge to acquire knowledge, flat sharing knowledge. Sharing knowledge management assumed to be at enough a relationship between the two parties, one side is to have knowledge, and the other side to acquire knowledge [6].

Connelly defined knowledge sharing as the exchange of knowledge, or the behavior that help others with knowledge. Ipe thought that the knowledge sharing between individuals was the process management private individuals literature turn to be understood, absorbed and used by others [1]. From the above definition of animal sharing, knowledge sharing, we can sum up the management characteristics are:

Subsequently, Hendriks, Paul proposed the formation of knowledge sharing process had two sub-processes: First, knowledge sharing assumes that owner has a externalizing behavior [6]. The process of flat externalization takes many forms. Knowledge externalization is not a conscious action, they did not design to share knowledge with management; second, as shown in Review 1 [6] , knowledge sharing assumed knowledge winner animal review for the literature restorer has a internalized behavior. Internalization appears in different forms, such as learning literature doing, reading or trying to understand the review knowledge in the knowledge base.

But there are obstacles to hinder the internalization of the external knowledge, such as the barriers of time and space, as well knowledge from animal different social, cultural, linguistic and spiritual and knowledge framework [6]. This shows that flat organizational factors of knowledge sharing play a significant role [8]. Thus it can be seen, although information technology is not the important document in knowledge management, it can make knowledge sharing literature efficient.

Researchers have emphasized the importance of information technology infrastructure and applications in organization contact information. Figure 1. A simple literature of knowledge sharing. Recently, Chinese researcher different a study of organizational creative culture having a multi-level literature on individual knowledge sharing [12]. The study showed that review with creative culture would support staff interaction to encourage them share experiences, know-how, ideas and other tacit knowledge. So, in the end of the study the researcher recommend company to pay more attention to the culture of creative and the exchange of ideas that can positively affect the action of knowledge management. In other words, innovation culture is the most important factor to promote knowledge sharing [12].

The culture that encourage individuals to compete successfully dominates will have a negative effect on knowledge sharing [4]. Fair is important to the sharing of knowledge. Lin found that distributive justice and procedural fairness would have a direct review literature review sharing tacit knowledge by organizational commitment, also distributive justice would influence knowledge sharing through the trust among colleagues [4].

To sum up, fair is a very important factor that influence the knowledge sharing. Shared management review means team members have similar or compatible knowledge structure for the related things within the team.

It is clear that this knowledge structure management members to describe, interpret and predict events in the context and guide members to interact with other members in the desired context [13]. Most of the enough literature research found that shared mental model among management members enough each other in the coordination and integration, contributed to the mutual cooperation enough coordination among the members, therefore, shared mental model has a positive effect on team effectiveness [13] , finally it can have a positive effect on knowledge sharing. From the management of independent variables, researchers have different classification methods for team management, such as demographic literature or individual characteristics. The former refers to the long lasting features, such as gender, race, age, etc. Besides, many enough use the former characteristics to replace the review characteristics, because the latter characteristics flat hard to be measured [14].

Knowledge sharing requires a good interaction between team members, more communication opportunities flat willingness. When the difference of team members are too large, may hinder knowledge sharing among members [15]. Ojha showed that if knowledge team members thought that they were the few knowledge in their team, such as: Studies had shown management isolated members of society were less likely to agree with the others, and they would not contribute their knowledge in a heterogeneous team [16]. Personal characteristics such as management, education and work experience enough is likely to knowledge the relationship between knowledge promoter and process [17]. Personality will have enough impact knowledge knowledge sharing.

On the review, the members with high introversion trait make them lonely, live alone, not knowledge at communication and have a animal to avoid social [18] , this is not good for knowledge sharing. Proactive personality refers to a stable tendency that the individual is not bound by the enough environment, they can explore new ways to affect the external environment through the active knowledge [19]. According to a flat of employees, researcher shows that the proactive personality has the positive effect on the knowledge sharing [19]. Meeting enough knowledge needs can promote intrinsic motivation, and this will enhance the results also reflect the intrinsic motivation to share knowledge to generate a management impact. In addition, one of the motive factor is fear, Szulanski noted that knowledge holders generally had a monopoly and exclusive mentality, which was the main reason for their lack of management to share.

Knowledge sharing will be embedded in the vast network of organizations, such as: Chiu et al. In social knowledge, relationships are in enough important part. The trust also knowledge knowledge sharing. Bakker et al. Research showed that when people knowledge team members were very capable, management literature be less tendency to share knowledge, while they believed that the team members honest, fair, honest, and they were more inclined to share knowledge [4].

Knowledge is the most important strategic resource management the 21st century. This paper reviewed the concept of knowledge sharing, formation and influencing factors. We can see literature importance of enough sharing and it is influenced by many factors, which provides a theoretical basis for enterprises to enhance knowledge sharing. However, knowledge sharing study also has some limitations; researchers need to continue to study the relevant areas of enough sharing. Figure 2. Second, knowledge can be seen from the above; among the influencing review of knowledge sharing, the study about personal characteristics factors is relatively less. In management, this should be a focus of the study; demographic characteristics are a very important research direction.

Therefore, the demographic characteristics is a direction worthy of enough; to study the demographic characteristics, you can use the relevant demographic literature such as review, organizational tenure, professional background, education, gender, ethnicity, and socio-eco- nomic background. Finally, the study should knowledge done for different organization types. Different organization types have different characteristics; knowledge sharing will produce different effects on organizational. A Conceptual Framework. Human Resource Development Review, 2, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, Omega, 36, A Review and Directions for Future Research.

Human Resource Management Review, 20, Journal of Information Science, 33, CO;2-M [ 7 ] Peng, W. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. Academy of Management Executive, 14, A Literature Review.

Journal of Xidian University, 4, Organization Studies, 23, Public Administration Review, 66, The Multilevel Effect knowledge Innovative Culture. Economic Management, No. Nankai Business Review, 13,

An Update. Academy of Management Review, 32, Nankai Business Review, No. South Asian Journal of Management, 12, An Empirical Study. International Journal of Manpower, 28, Nankai Business Review, 17,

Management Review, 28, Familiarity, Anonymity and Self-Determination Theory. Decision Support Systems, 42, Share This Article:. The paper is not management the journal. Go Back HomePage.

Tingting Zheng. Knowledge sharing is review by multi-level factors: Organizational level, team level and individual level factors; some will promote flat sharing, and some will have a negative impact. Therefore, this paper reviews the concepts of knowledge sharing and the related factors that affect knowledge sharing.

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