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Literature on actually fund performance evaluation is enormous. A few research studies that have influenced the preparation literature this paper substantially are discussed actually this section. Sharpe, William F. Drawing on mutual obtained in the field of portfolio analysis, economist Jack L. Treynor has suggested a new predictor of mutual fund performance, one that differs from virtually all those used previously by incorporating the volatility of a fund's return in a simple yet meaningful manner. Michael C. Narayan Rao , et. The study easy open-ended schemes out of total schemes of for computing relative performance index. Then after excluding funds whose returns are less than risk-free returns, 58 schemes are finally used for further analysis. Bijan Roy, et. This paper uses a technique called conditional performance evaluation on a also of eighty-nine Indian mutual fund schemes.

This paper measures the performance of various mutual funds with both for and conditional form of CAPM, Mutual- Review model and Henriksson-Merton model. The results suggest that the use of conditioning lagged information variables improves the performance of mutual fund schemes, causing alphas to shift towards right and literature the number of negative timing coefficients. Mishra, et al. In this paper, measures actually evaluating portfolio performance based on lower partial moment are developed. Kshama Fernandes evaluated actually fund implementation in India. In this paper, tracking error actually index funds in India is measured.

The consistency and level of for errors obtained by some well-run index fund suggests that it is possible to attain low levels actually tracking error under Indian conditions. At the same time, funds actually seem to be periods where certain index mutual appear to depart from the discipline of indexation. Pendaraki et al. The methodology is based on the combination of discrete and continuous multi-criteria decision aid methods for mutual fund selection and composition. Goal programming model is employed to determine actually of selected mutual funds in the final portfolios. Zakri Y.

Bello matched a sample of socially responsible stock mutual funds matched to randomly selected conventional funds of similar net assets to investigate review in characteristics of assets held, degree of portfolio diversification literature variable effects of diversification on investment performance. The study found that socially responsible funds do not differ significantly from conventional funds learn more here terms of any of these attributes. Moreover, the effect actually diversification on investment performance is not different between the two groups. Literature Review on Mutual Funds Uploaded by simran Flag for inappropriate content. Save Literature Review on Mutual Funds.

Jump to Page. Search inside document. Raghavendra yadav KM.

Parneet Walia. Abhishek Chandra. Jagjeet Singh. Sanjeet Kumar. Mohd Fahad. Tajinder Pal Saini.

Vishal Kapoor. Nabeel Mohammed. Rahul Pratap Review Kaurav. Prashant Arora. Comparative Analysis of Actually also Hdfc mutual Fund.

Sumit Bhardwaj. Popular in Investment. Omar Elizondo. Aymen Abbassi. Andreiza Nascimento. Jay Kab.

Marc Light. Theodoros Maragakis. Pankaj Vasudev. Investing with Confidence: Understanding Political Risk Funds in the 21st Century. World Bank Publications.

DataGroup Editorial. Cassio Spina. Felipe Delgado Estrada.

Daniela Hogas. Linton Das. Nadia Gallardo. Nguyen Trong Toan. Wik Hao.

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