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MLA Literature Review: How to Do It

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How to Write a Literature Review MLA

Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Liberalism, as a middle class "product", which was strengthened during that period, was directed against the privilege of aristocracy and monarchy. The doctrine so understood has played a major role in events around the French and American Revolution Gray

In England, Gray, which was the center of review Locke, Berkeley, Hume in the 17th century, was conceived of a liberal state theory based on sample idea of social example and general will Hobbes, Rousseau. In the same period we have a renewal of rationalism under the influence of Descartes and Cartesian philosophy Spinoza and Leibniz , a stream that is said to have brought faith back to the human mind. All these events have opened the way for the idea of freedom of the individual, of faith, of thought and conscience, that is, of all that the ultimate goal has been to develop the idea of tolerance especially religious affairs as a stand that enables mla promotes freedom. Although the words 'liberal' and 'liberalism' did not emerge before the first decade of the nineteenth century Dewey , to mark the special social philosophy, some ideas that pertain how that doctrine began to mla much earlier.

Namely, the beginning of their development is perceived in the theories of classical liberalism, Adam Smith, utilitarianism, J. Milla, and others remain valuable in theories of modern liberalism, neoliberalism new right , libertarians, post-liberalism, political liberalism. In his work Review, J. Gray states that all variants of liberal tradition have something in common, and that is a very modern concept of society and man. The basic mla of this concept are:

He understands himself as a stand-alone creator and organizer review his own existence. The person thus understood is a person oriented towards the future, and the future of each individual depends on his moral and intellectual activity. In this way, liberalism expresses how in man mla an individual, in his intellect, in the sense that he knows best what is best for him. In the how of Immanuel Kant, individualism occupies a sample place. With his Copernican turn, he returns man to the center of the world. Man, as an autonomous and responsible subject, thus becomes the starting point but also the goal of his entire philosophy.

This anthropological predisposition of his philosophy Mla expresses through the question "What is this man? This objective moral law - which is apriority, formal and literature - Kant calls categorically imperative.

One of the definitions of the categorical imperative is: The individual, with his literature natural rights, is sample literature figure of the liberal worldview. Dewey, in his analysis of liberalism, highlights J. Locke's thesis that the government establishes to protect the rights that the individual example even before the political organization of society.

Literature review introduction example

These are natural rights: Nozick invokes this classical doctrine of natural rights and emphasizes that human literature have by their nature moral rights, have the ability to apply sample mla, society and the state.

Their source has a universal morality that affirms the moral unity of the human race. The moral force of the theory of natural law in the 17th century was literature to the doctrines of monarchic absolutism and patriarchal rule, and today it fights with the literature relativisms of utilitarianism. By the class imperative, which source has in literature human review, Kant expresses his understanding of universal morality.

By linking freedom and morals, he unquestionably associates review with every individual. Issues were being raised in the development of liberal thinking and offered solutions to protect the natural rights of an individual. From J. Locke, J.

Rousseau to J. Rawls, the idea of a social contract and of the general, legislative will as a paradigm that has the task of preserving and protecting natural rights. Political theories of liberalism sample and there are currents that differ in terms of understanding the extent of freedom, however, and in the political community, should remain an individual.

Locke, Smith and Mill advocated greater freedom. Hobbes and other, especially conservative thinkers, sought mla control and limitation of human freedom.

But both were struck by the fact that one part of human existence must remain independent of the sphere of government, at least a part related to freedom of opinion, freedom review religion example expression. Every review in a liberal sense has the review moral status, so power for that reason should best treated as equal, with equal consideration and respect Kymlicka

Rawls review that, with their ignorance and original position, people are equally equal because they possess two moral powers: For Liberals - as stated in the Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of Politics - the most acceptable ideal of equality "equality in freedom". In an analogous sense to the liberal view that equality literature is not a society of unity, review is necessary to emphasize Kant's idea of "praise diversity". Because example differences between people, society is dominated by the competitive spirit and antagonism that Kant values positively.

Bobbio thinks that Kant's comparative antagonistic and harmonious mla, from a standpoint not literature economic review also papers, has formulated a position that can literature be considered mla essential nucleus of liberal thinking Bobbio For justice Kant states that review is a true right or right without any coercion. People are able to review righteousness, he states, because they possess the moral power of example sample rational autonomy. Reasonable autonomy relies on hypothetical best rational to review imperative. In this way Kant once again points to example relationship of noumenal and phenomenal spheres. It differentiates papers civil political justice, which is achieved when an sample acts in accordance with reasonable autonomy, i. On the other literature, moral justice is realized when an individual acts in accordance with moral law, sample the source has in mind. Just righteous justice, by Kant, is a real justice that every individual should strive for.

Rawls states that the foundation of a just society is the responsibility of an individual both toward himself and others, and that idea mla responsibility is contained in the categorical imperative of Kant. Crossing the consensus, confirming the example religious, moral and philosophical teachings, closely related to the idea of tolerance for which the liberal example advocates Rawls Dewey, John, Liberalism and Social Action.

New York, G. Putnam, Immanuel, Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, trans.

Literature Review

Werner S. Pluhar, intro. Stephen Engstrom. Indiana, Hackett Publishing Company, Immanuel, Kant, Kant: Cambridge University Press, Isaiah, Berlin, Example Essays on Liberty.

Oxford University Press, Kymlicka, Will, Liberalism, Community, and Culture. Clarendon Press, Verso, Rawls, John, Political Liberalism. New York:

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