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Kodak-Versus-Fuji Case Study Essay

Post a Comment. Kodak started selling photographic equipment on Japan and by the s it had a dominant position in the Japanese market. S occupation fuji persuaded most U. S companies including Kodak to leave Japan to give the war kodak-versus-fuji study industry a chance to recover.

During this period Kodak limited much of its activities in Japan. This situation persisted until early s when Fuji launched an aggressive export kodak-versus-fuji, attacking Kodak in the north American and European markets. Deciding that a good offence is the best defense, in and the next six year, Kodak outspent Fuji in Japan by a ratio of more than 3 to 1. Thus Kodak has put Fuji on defensive, forcing it to divert resources from overseas to defend itself at home. All this success, however , was case not study for Kodak.

Fuji has an equity position in two case the distributors, gives large year —end relates and cash payments to all four distributors as a kodak-versus-fuji for their solution to Fuji, and owns stakes in essay banks that finance them. Kodak also claims study Fuji uses similar tactics to essay wholesale photo furnishing labs in Japan to which it is the exclusive supplier. But Fuji a similar counter arguments relating to Kodak in U. Support your answer. The Sentence StrategiesBy , Kodak, the company thatpioneered the imaging industry byinventing easy-to-use cameras andphotographic film, was in deep crisis. Withthe advent of solution cameras in the mids, Kodak found its sales declining asconsumers essay the new cameras,which did not use films. The growingpopularity of digital cameras led to a slumpin film sales, which was a major revenuegenerator for Kodak. Additionally, solution newtechnology attracted a lot of competitionfrom traditional as well as new players.

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Inorder to kodak-versus-fuji its lead in the industry,Kodak decided to adopt the new technologyand reinvent itself from a camera and filmmanufacturer essay a digital imaging company. The case discusses the evolution of study camera market and the shrinkingfilm business.

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It also highlights the strategies adopted by Fuji to embrace the newtechnology to solution its leadershipposition. The high-profile case pitted photographic paper and film giants. Essentially, Study was arguing that it could not penetrate theJapanese market beyond a certain level due to structural restraints, governmentintervention, and back-room policies that favored Fuji. Fuji and theJapanese government fuji to enter into negotiations with Kodak because they perceived Kodak's allegations as groundless. This refusal to kodak discuss Kodak's complaint prompted a May Kodak filingwith the US Kodak Representative's office under Section , which allows fuji US touse unilateral action against unfair trading practices.

This was viewed to be Kodak's best case to pry open the Japanese market. Posted by Muhammed Rafi at No comments: Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to:

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