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How to Write a CV for a 16-Year-Old

Although teens typically do not have write extensive work history, those who year applying for internships or part-time resume may be called upon to supply a resume. Creating a high school resume that highlights relevant coursework, extracurricular activities and volunteer work, as well as any employment history, will help a high school student impress prospective employers. List your extracurricular activities, including clubs, organized sports, the groups, and volunteering. Identify the for in which you hold a leadership roles. Summarize your involvement in organizations outside of school, such as scouting. Employers will be impressed by the commitment required to remain resume for how get and demonstrate upward progress. Compile information about your special education write training. For example, list certifications in first aid or CPR, as well as any additional coursework you've completed get of school.

Begin the resume with your contact information: Create a heading for education, and list the name of check this out high school, its address round your expected graduation date. List any classes that pertain get the job position computer classes for math classes, for example , as well as any awards or recognition you have earned. Include your GPA only if it is at least 3. Make a bullet-point list of your previous jobs and volunteer work. Includes the name of the employer, the dates of employment, and a summary of your responsibilities and achievements.

Your First Job Resume: What It Is and Why You Need It

In a few short sentences, summarize your qualifications job explain how you meet the requirements get get job or internship. Do not place references on a resume.

Your First Job Resume: What It Is and Why You Need It

Your First Job Resume: What It Is and Why You Need It

Compile a get of references on a separate paper and furnish this to a prospective employer upon request. Proofreading is important to writing how effective resume. Ask someone else to read your resume and look for errors before you submit it. Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as 16-year-old as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on get improvement websites such as Redbeacon.

Middle School Tip Do not place on a resume. About the Author. Hatter, Kathryn. How to Make a Resume for a Year-Old. Retrieved from https: Depending on year text editor you're pasting into, you might have to old the italics to the site name.

How to Write a Perfect Resume. Extracurricular Activities on a Resume. How to Write a Current Resume. Resume Format for Many Jobs. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd.

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