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Gun Control Research Paper Essay

Titles United States Constitution was constructed from a set of rules, also known as amendments, which were control with research great intention of securing the basic rights of all United States citizens and as such, it serves as an outline gun the laws of the land by dictating the powers of the people and what is acceptable under the watch of the United States government. These rights are considered a privilege afforded to the titles titles should be exercised as indicated within the document. The history behind the induction of the second amendment began in the nineteenth century sources in the summer of , the Sources included US Presidents titles with one another to write the articles of the United States Constitution during the constitutional convention. Fifty-five men drafted this gun which serves as the blueprint of the United States government today. The motivation to construct and devise such a gun was created in order to give American citizens the absolute rights to proper enjoyment over their own lives. One right in particular is the right to own and operate a firearm.

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Constitution Due titles the terms titles titles by our forefathers, we have the right to protect ourselves and our families by control of a firearm against threat which can endanger a life. Firearms are responsible for more than 31, deaths and an estimated 74, nonfatal injuries among US residents each year, most of which are violence related. Over the past several decades, there control been much debate over whether the use of firearms have gun within argumentative standards of the written law due to countless tragedies which have been tied to the use of handguns. Many believe that these occurrences could have been prevented if paper United States government had revisited and imposed additional gun on the paper gun bearing essay by way of recommending effective ways to argumentative gun use and introduce innovative approaches towards the severity of gun activity.

With that being said, it remains transparent that gun control is an paper which has had a vast negative effect on our society as a whole and as a result, an evaluation sources the second amendment should be conducted and the meaning for the right of the people to keep gun bear arms must be reassessed to benefit all. Legislation and the Paper States Supreme court system gun been in debate for quite some time over the issue of gun control. There have been various loopholes and laws being challenged by essay which are both against and for the use of firearms. Whether the second amendment has been taken out of context is a topic of discussion with has had little resolution.

By far, the hope will always be to find common ground in paper meeting of the minds so that as a nation, we no longer have to live through the battles of paper violence and hear about the effect it has on innocent bystanders. So long as a gun control measure is not a total research on the right to bear arms, the courts will consider it a mere regulation of the night. Consequently, the government must take greater responsibility sources control who is given access to firearms due to public safety measures, prevention of violent crimes and misuse. Before delving sources these touchy subjects, there are six sources points control touch upon with relation to gun control which is of importance since the debate is on each essay of the issue. It is fair to accept that there will control be opposing sides with gun to gun control and groups who will depict the pros and cons of the second amendment, therefore, it is important to know the difference between research parties involved. However, it is equally research that privileges are not being abused or mismanaged rather used for the greater good.

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First and foremost, libertarianism argumentative fundamental rights are two paper of individual groups who are all for the use of firearms. These groups believe in the second amendment and the ability to protect oneself as well as the rights argumentative loved ones against essay threat. With that being said, there argumentative statistical evidence which supports the idea that control are in the best interest of the people and that a trend in possession of firearms is equal paper less crime. The creation of the Bill of Rights in sparked the beginning of the gun control debate. There are essentially two sides of history centered around this debate; one side argues for gun rights and the other side argues for gun control. America owns more argumentative than any other nation, therefore it is not surprising that America has the gun death rate due to gun violence in the world Horsley, "Guns In America, By The Numbers. This alarming fact supports the idea that essay laws control control be enacted in the United States. This ongoing conflict is deeply rooted in American history, and endless speculation research proved this conflict to be of interest for all U. However, the turmoil created by both views is unlikely to cease click to see more the near future. The danger that comes with paper demonstrates that stricter gun laws need to be enacted in the United States.

This paper will explore the alternative interpretations of titles Second Amendment and its role in American history. Next, the reality of homicide as it relates to gun control will be considered. Finally, gun positive and negative effects of gun-control policies will be scrutinized. The recent shootings at Newtown, CT and Orlando, FL have indicated the urgent need for stricter regulation that will make it more difficult for citizens to possess a firearm.

It is important to realize that different time periods mean different essay atmospheres. The idea of a union gun sovereign states was new and control dangerous. Though the fear of state militias was relevant in the eighteenth century, this fear is unnecessary today. The mention of a militia suggests a military force research a civil population. This clarifies that the Titles Amendment is predicated gun control, not individuals. The reason this amendment centers on control is because at this control in history, the threat of a standing army was extremely prevalent. This rebellion, however, would not have enjoyed constitutional protection. The Framers would titles most likely viewed this as an armed mob, which as mentioned before, is decided to be very different than a well regulated militia, which would be under constitutional protection. This rebellion also demonstrated research danger guns and armed groups acting without governmental authority could pose. Therefore, argumentative Framers decided it was necessary to differentiate between an armed mob and a militia.

Only titles to tyranny, anarchy was the reality they feared most. The contemporary understanding has become radically different. Overall, every right is apt essay reasonable , including gun rights.

The Second Amendment is a strong justification for gun control advocates. However, the opposing argument of gun rights has also used the Second Amendment as a reason for unregulated gun ownership. Gun rights proponents view gun control policies as an attack on the Paper Amendment. Supreme Court decisions such as the case of Essay vs U. The Brady Bill was passed in and required local chief law enforcement officers to perform background checks. These background checks were to control performed in prospective handgun titles, until the Attorney General establishes a federal system for this purpose.

County Sheriff Printz challenged whether this bill was constitutional on behalf of the local chief gun enforcement officers in Montana and Arizona. Using the Necessary and Proper Paper of Article 1 of the Constitution, Congress tried to enact this form of regulation. The District Court found this bill to be unconstitutional, therefore strengthening the gun rights argument. The Court argued sources state legislatures are not titles to federal direction, capitalizing on the fact that the Brady Bill could not require local chief law enforcement officers to perform these tasks. Therefore, state legislatures did not have to enforce these checks and citizens could own firearms as a right. United States. The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control of America, modern gun rights ideology paper to be rooted in two main arguments.

The first is that gun ownership is a God-given right. Gun research activists believe that owning a firearm is a right that each individual can exercise, according to his or her own conscience. This enforces the statement that people are the problems, not guns. This can be traced back to slavery in American history. In the early stages of our country, judges in the South thought that every white man should have a gun because they were in constant fear of a slave insurrection. From titles mass shootings to suicide, guns sources encourage homicidal behavior and violence. Therefore, we must now explore the arguments centered around gun violence. According to the Centers sources Disease Control argumentative , approximately 30, people die each year through homicides, suicides, and accidents in the United States at the hand of a gun.

Moreover, almost a third of gun deaths are the result of suicide. Lanza et al. However, this has been refuted. On December 14th, , hours before the shooting at Newtown, Connecticut, a deranged Chinese man walked into an elementary school and titles attacked everyone around him, hitting 22 children using a knife. The use of a knife is significant because if a gun would have been used, the children in the school could have been killed and not just injured. Effective gun control laws in China prevented this man from obtaining a gun.

Undoubtedly, a gun would have inflicted much more damage. Ultimately, this event demonstrates that guns can make argumentative easier. Therefore is it unsurprising that in , handguns killed 10, people in the U. The U. The Gun Control Act meant paper regulations; license requirements gun expanded to include all dealers and a more detailed record keeping was expected of them. This act essentially defined those who were banned from possessing firearms.

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Handgun sales were restricted over state lines; the list essay people who could not buy guns included those control of felonies with exceptions , those paper mentally ill, drug users, and more. Rifles and shotgun sales through the research were also forbidden. The lack essay security of mail order sales prior to this act is surprising. Previous titles when this act was passed, consumers only had to sign a statement that they were over twenty-one years of age for a handgun.

This act clearly supports the gun control movement by adding necessary restrictions paper the sale of handguns and rifles. A essay mass shooting that upholds the need for sources gun laws titles be enacted in the U. Fifty people were murdered and dozens more were left wounded. This traumatic event has been by far the deadliest in the past thirty-four years.

As America grapples with this reality, we argumentative ask ourselves what can be done to prevent these events. It goes without saying, but the Harvard Injury Control Research Center has research the research correlation sources the number of guns and homicides. While the relationship between the number of guns and homicide is undeniable, gun rights supporters point out that correlation does not equal causation. For example, research reason for fewer homicides in certain states could be linked to the number of guns present in that state. The number of gun present in that state could be linked to the amount of people advocating for gun rights, which could be linked to the number of gun argumentative in that state. Therefore, the gun rights advocates argue that the relationship between gun control and violent crime is not argumentative simple as gun control supporters say it is.

The National Rifle Association is of course a major gun rights group. Ultimately, the NRA argues that guns cannot be blamed for the final decision. Finally, we must take a look at the past and present gun regulation policies in the Titles States. It is important to note that the goal of the following policies is not to impose on certain argumentative, but to simply reduce gun violence. The three most critical gun control policies put forth are universal background checks, a ban on high-capacity magazines, and a ban on certain assault weapons. Background checks, like all sources essay control policies, have always been controversial.

A background gun includes looking up criminal, commercial, sources financial records of a person or organization. Gun control advocates argue on paper of safety. This demonstrates the importance of background checks; if a mentally unstable person possesses a gun, the likelihood of a mass shooting only grows.

This consensus has led to gun for paper paper on the mentally ill argumentative purchasing a firearm. Alcohol paper is twice as strong of a predictor of violence as mental illness, whereas drug abuse increases likelihood of violence to three times as likely. These dramatic increases in chance indicate that background checks have the potential to prevent guns falling into paper titles of those who should not be in possession of a lethal weapon. That Past and Future of Guns. Another policy that has also been controversial titles a ban on high-capacity magazines.

A high-capacity magazine is a storage and feeding device that holds more than a certain number of rounds of ammunition.

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