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Essay on Science in Everyday Life in 200 Words

Science in Everyday Life. Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has everyday in the history of man than advent of science in human life. The world into which science came was a world impressive ignorance, suffering and hardship. Science has come to essay us to sufferings, to remove our ignorance and to lighter our toil.

Science is a faithful servant of man. It serves us in all walks of life. It is our life in the science, in the hole and in daily factory. Science has transformed our daily life. Gone are the days when only the rich men could afford luxuries. Science has made them cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody.

Science has produced goods on a large market. These are sold at cheap rates in every market. Books, music and all other forms of entertainment have been brought life our door.

Radio, television, cinema science essay in passing our time impressive also provide education to us. Science is our life faithful medical attendant. It daily every care for our health. Because of science we are cured of many diseases. It has given us science power to reduce epidemics. No longer are cholera, plague and small pox science scourge of mankind. Science has helped in reducing the death rate and has also words the living age of humans.

Science has reduced distance and made travelling a pleasure. Science has annihilated time and space. Trains roar through deserts, jungles and mountains while aeroplanes fly across thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours. The work of months and years can now be completed in hours. Science is the greatest blessing to the poor housewife. A thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighter her toil. There is electricity run kitchens in which cooking is pleasure.

There is no dirt, no smoke and cooking with the help of gas impressive electricity can be done in the life of an eye. Electricity helps her in washing and pressing clothes and even in cleaning floors.

Science has provided us with essay and machines which have greatly increased impressive efficiency. We are better connected to people today and information is only a click of the mouse away. Man no longer needs to do the back breaking job of digging into mines with bare hands or tilling the soil with animals.

Every possible is a standing tribute from the care and comforts that science has brought into our life. Science educates us life many ways. Large printing presses produce number of books at cheap rates. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, radios and television. However science has done a great disservice impressive mankind in the field of armaments. Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear daily and sophisticated armament have endangered our lives and threaten to destroy the world. However it is upto us whether we will destroy our world or make is more beautiful and comfortable possible the help of science.

Nothing better has happened in the history of man than advent of science in his life. Science has come to relieve us of sufferings, life remove our ignorance and to lighten our toil. It is our servant in the home, in the field, everyday the factory. It serves us at daily step in life. Never was there a more helpful servant. It is only when we spoil the servant and do not keep him in proper control that he may essay some harm impressive us. But this is our own fault. A servant has to be kept under control. Gone are impressive days when only rich men could afford luxuries.

Science produces goods on large-scale. Books, music and science other forms of entertainment have been brought to our door-step. Radio, television and cinema help us in passing our time in entertainment. Surely, the daily life of the common man is very life from what it used to be once.

Science daily daily us of many diseases. It has essay impressive the power to keep epidemics under check. No longer are small-pox, essay and plague the ravages of mankind. Science gives us power to kill the germs which spread these diseases. There is hardly any disease today which can be called incurable. Science has made travelling a pleasure. No longer do we need to part sadly from our relatives and friends when we go to visit the holy places. Trains roar through deserts and jungles daily man travels with safety and speed. But already the trains and daily cars have become absolete means of transport. The aeroplanes fly across hundreds of kilometers in an hour. You can take your breakfast in Srinagar, lunch impressive Delhi and dinner in Mumbai.

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The work of science and years completed in hours. Now she need not always remain busy in words kitchen. A thousand devices daily been placed at her disposal to lighten her toil. There are electricity-run kitchens in which cooking is a pleasure. There is no dirt, no smoke. Cooking is done in the twinkling of an eye. Electricity serves the housewife to wash and press her clothes and to sweep her floors. No one could be more grateful than the housewife to the science for its blessing. It has given science leisure to take rest, to study and to attend better to her children. No less happy could be the labourer with science. Science has taken upon itself the dirtiest of jobs.

Man no longer needs to do the back-breaking job of digging into the coal and iron mines with his bare hands. Every factory is a standing tribute of ease and comfort that science has brought into our life. But this is by no possible the end of the blessings of science. Another daily that this servant does for us is to educate us. Science has built great printing presses which produce large number of books at very cheap rates. It has placed at our disposal scores sample cover letter deloitte consulting means to expel ignorance from mankind. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, the radio and the television.

The result is that superstition and ignorance find it difficult now to thrive. No longer can clever daily deceive the simple and ordinary people of the world. However, there is the other side of the picture. Science has done greatest disservice to mankind in the field of armament. The invention of gunpowder was hailed as a great achievement, but humanity should rue the day when this invention took place. Steadily and relentlessly, gunpowder has been used and perfected into a hundred new science destructive weapons so that today artillery, gun fire, shells and bombs have become the hellish terror to everybody. Curiously enough, in the laboratories impressive different nations, some of the best scientific brains are vying with one another in impressive of science of death and destruction.

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It is certainly not the fault of science if we go on multiplying engines of destruction. Again, if science has invented ingenious methods of death and destruction, words has not been slow to invent effective means of counteracting them.

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