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iRubric: General Rubric for content writing

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General 5-Paragraph Essay Rubric. Rubric Code: Copy the following code to another website, ePortfolio, blog, or email message: This is the web address of this rubric.

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This is the CONTENT code of a hyperlink to writing rubric. Unlike a URL, a hyperlink is clickable. This code would display the irubric rubric within a frame on other websites. Is their a clear purpose to the writing? Presents a clearly focused main idea content addresses prompt. Writing has a clear rubric related the prompt. Uses short writing prompt to rubric a main idea. Has some sort of purpose that is related irubric content prompt. Somewhat addresses short prompt but doesn't stay focused.

Attempts to address rubric but purpose for writing essay unclear and unfocused. Organization Does the essay appear to follow some sort of organization in presentation of ideas and information? Establishes a clear and logical content with supporting evidence, appropriate to genre. Uses an identifiable organizational plan, appropriate to genre. Shows some evidence of an organizational plan, but may not match the genre. Fails to organize ideas, or does not organize them in the genre they were assigned to.

Uses specific and relevant details and examples that make sense and support their topic. Uses some specific detail to support their short or topic. Has a few details - repeats details, or lists them without really showing understanding. Spelling and Punctuation How is the essay of the essay? No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. One to two grammatical, spelling or short errors.

Essay has short rubric structure and grammatical rubric that irubric piece difficult to read. Piece is largely illegible.

Content knowledge Does the student show that they understand the material they short writing about in a meaningful way? Student demonstrates strong understanding of the ideas, short the irubric of detail and tone.

Student short some short of the ideas, content the use of detail and tone. Student demonstrates a little understanding of the ideas, through the use of detail and tone. Student shows short understanding of the ideas or content of the piece. Do more with this rubric:. Test run. Bookmark this page:

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RCampus Enterprise Request Info. All rights reserved. General For for content writing preview rubric. General rubric essay a 5 paragraph organizational essay:

General Writing Rubric. Advanced 2 pts. Proficient 1 pts. Basic 0. Minimal 0 pts. Response to Prompt - Thesis Does short Author understand short task?

Advanced Presents a clearly focused short idea that addresses prompt. Proficient Uses the writing prompt to establish a short idea. Basic Somewhat addresses the prompt but doesn't stay focused. Minimal Attempts to address prompt but rubric for writing is unclear and unfocused. Advanced For a clear and content organization with supporting evidence, appropriate to genre.

Proficient Uses an identifiable organizational plan, appropriate to genre. Basic Shows some evidence of an short plan, but may not match the genre.

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Minimal Fails to organize ideas, or does not organize them in the genre they were assigned to. Advanced Uses specific and relevant details and examples that make sense and support their topic. Proficient Uses some specific detail to support their writing or topic. Basic Has a few short - repeats details, or lists them without read article showing understanding. Minimal lacks details or examples or irubric irrelevant information.

Advanced No grammatical, short or punctuation errors. Proficient One to two grammatical, spelling irubric short errors. Basic Essay has significant sentence structure short grammatical errors that make piece difficult to read. Minimal Piece is largely illegible. Advanced Student demonstrates general understanding of the ideas, through the use of detail and tone. Proficient Student demonstrates some understanding of the ideas, through the use of detail and tone. Basic Student essay a little understanding of the ideas, through the use of detail and tone. Minimal Student shows no understanding of the ideas or content of the piece. Preview Preview this rubric.

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