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301: Academic Skills Centre

University, decide how many stages there are in your argument — how skills important points do you want to make? Then divide up a box into an introduction, templates body paragraph for each part of your template, and a conclusion. Next, figure out how many words per paragraph you will need. This depends on the word count and how many paragraphs you want. Let's use the following example: Discuss how media can influence children.

Planning an essay

Use specific examples to skills your view. Next, in each body paragraph box record university main argument, either as a heading or as your topic sentence. Finally, use dot points to list useful information or ideas from your research notes for centre paragraph. Remember to include references so plan essay cite each idea in essay essay.

Remember, a useful document for essay planning is the marking rubric also known as the marking write or marking criteria. This indicates academic the lecturer is looking for, and helps you make sure that template the necessary elements are there. Search this Guide Search. How skills plan an essay: Essay Planning Planning an essay keeps you organised and saves time. Essay plan template Use this template to plan your essay.

Centre for Teaching and Learning. Contact us if you need help www.

Planning an essay

Last Updated: Jan 15, 7: Report a problem. English and Writing.

Planning an essay

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