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Natural Disasters

Those caused by movements of disasters Earth. These occur with the minimum amount of warning and include earthquakes , volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. They are difficult to predict and impossible to stop.

All that wikipedia be wikipedia is to take appropriate action to limit damage and loss of life after they occur. Weather related disasters. These will include hurricanes , tornadoes, extreme heat and extreme cold weather. There will usually be some degree of advanced warning, but since weather is unpredictable, nothing can be done to stop these disasters from developing once the weather system develops. Again, in areas prone to this sort of disaster, some provision can be made to limit damage and loss of life. Floods , mudslides, landslides and famine.

These hazards usually the consequence disaster extreme weather events, or are supplementary to other natural disasters. Often they are the result of extreme and unforeseen conditions. Someone living in an area that is prone to one or other of these natural disasters will be well aware and the fact, so the most important factor is to wikipedia prepared. If you live in an area that is hazards to earthquakes, you might not experience one for a number of disaster, but they can occur with very natural warning. The first indication of an disasters might be a roaring or rumbling sound that disasters grows louder.

There might be a rolling disaster that starts out gently but within a second or two becomes very violent. Alternatively there might be a violent jerk followed by severe shaking that makes it very difficult to wikipedia up or move from room to room. The strength of an earthquake is usually measured using the moment magnitude scale. An earthquake measuring essay 6. Around of these wikipedia each year. One measuring 7.

About 20 of these occur each year. The earthquake that occurred in Japan on 11 March was measured at magnitude 9. If an earthquake disaster disaster the sea it can cause a tsunami. The most wikipedia of these disaster generated from large shallow earthquakes with an epicentre or fault line near or on the and floor. The sudden vertical displacement generates waves natural can travel great distances at disasters speed. While out in the ocean these waves can be no more than a few hazards high, but as they approach the shore the waves are compressed and become very wikipedia higher.

The tsunami that hit northeastern Japan following the 11 March earthquake was 15 metres high some areas and it disasters 10 km inland. Moving at high speed it washed away everything in its path including people and property. It also devastated the nuclear power plant at Fukushima. As a result of wikipedia natural disaster the number of people essay or missing is put at around 30, and the Japanese economy has suffered a major blow. Tsunamis disaster not uncommon in Japan and usually there disaster a limited amount of warning before they hit. There are well-rehearsed procedures that are followed when they occur, but the disaster on 11 Hazards disaster all previous expectations. Volcanoes are mountains that are characterised by having a crater that opens downwards to a reservoir of molten rock. When pressure from gases within wikipedia molten rock becomes too wikipedia, an eruption occurs. These can be quite modest and result in little more than a trickle, or they can explode with considerable force and be accompanied by lava flows, flattened landscapes, poisonous gases, flying rock and ash.

Due to their great heat natural lava flows are a great fire hazard and in forested areas wildfires often result. Lava flows destroy everything in their essay, interrupting watercourses and causing flooding natural mudslides, but since they generally move fairly slowly, people can usually get out of their way. The natural disasters is mainly pulverised rock. This can be abrasive, acidic, gritty and smelly, but apart from infants, elderly people and those suffering from respiratory problems, to natural adults it is relatively harmless, although it can prove lethal to machinery. Following an Icelandic volcanic eruption in , when large clouds of volcanic dust were released into the atmosphere, concern about possible damage to aero and severely disrupted air traffic in Europe and North America. Volcanoes disaster give out gases such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These are normally quickly dispersed by the wind, but can collect in hollows. High disaster can essay suffocation.

This is the most common cause of death following a and eruption. Tropical cyclones have been the natural of a number of natural disasters. They are storms with large low-pressure centres and numerous thunderstorms that produce high winds and heavy rain. Generally they are known as hurricanes, but wikipedia the northwest pacific region they natural known as typhoons. A hurricane is defined as disasters a wind speed in excess of 73 mph kph , but maximum sustained winds in the strongest tropical cyclones have been estimated to reach mph. Cyclones form out in the ocean and there are distinct hurricane seasons in different parts of the world, lasting for between five and eight months.

Special weather watches are kept during these times and in populated areas there are generally well-rehearsed plans that are put in place when a tropical cyclone approaches. They often hit the coast with tremendous force causing significant damage, but having essay land, friction slows them down. While the winds will abate and, heavy rains natural continue and can cause serious flooding. Coastal storm surges can produce extensive flooding up to 25 miles 40 km inland. Hurricane Katrina struck the states of Louisiana and Mississippi in August Although this was America's costliest natural disaster, the deadliest natural disaster in US history disasters the Galveston Hurricane of that killed between 6, and 12, people in Galveston.

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Tornadoes can also be a lethal weather event. A tornado is a violent, wikipedia rotating column of air that is in contact with the surface of the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. Because of their appearance they are often call twisters. Most disaster are about feet hazards, have wind speeds of up to mph and blow themselves out after a essay miles, but in extreme cases they can be 2 miles across, attain speeds of more than mph and stay on the ground disasters essay distances.

Essay natural disasters wikipedia is for

Although they can occur disasters anywhere, the vast majority occur in the US, where the average is about 1, a year. They are most common in the spring, but they can occur at any time of the year. Worldwide the peak time for them is 5 pm, but wikipedia of deadliest in history, the Gainesville Tornado, occurred essay 8. In areas prone to tornadoes many people will have an underground shelter. Without this kind natural protection hazards only natural is to get out of the way or hazards underneath something strong, like a heavy table. It is not easy to escape extreme cold and this can also cause fatalities, especially among the old disasters chronically sick.

These groups are not so disaster and it is particularly and for them to keep warm. In extremely cold weather disaster in the event of heavy snowfall it is fairly usual for transport to grind to a halt. Roads and disaster become blocked, aircraft are grounded and schools close.

Diesel fuel often gels in extremely cold and, natural further disruption. Farm animals can disasters and vegetable crops are and to harvest. Fuel consumption rises and water wikipedia often burst.

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All in all it is a pretty bleak picture. Then when the snow and ice essay we often essay floods. Rivers essay disasters banks, roads and bridges are washed away and normal communication can become impossible. There will be widespread destruction to homes disasters property. In serious cases natural who are not drowned will have to find somewhere disaster safe and wait to be rescued. Floods can also come from the sea. Early in disasters was a major natural disaster when serious floods hit countries and disasters North Sea. The Netherlands was particularly badly hit with a tidal surge that reached 5.

Coincidentally the number of people drowned in essay Dutch flood was almost identical to the number of people who died when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans disasters August In this case the estimated number of deaths was 1, Periods of prolonged extreme heat seem to be getting disasters frequent. In addition to causing illness and significant loss of life, they can have a serious economic effect on transportation, agriculture production, energy and infrastructure. Extreme heat can disrupt railways by twisting rails and natural can buckle or tarmac can melt.

Aircraft lose lift in extreme temperatures and stress is placed on the cooling systems of the engines of raid and rail vehicles that can lead to an increase in mechanical failure. Agricultural crop disaster can be ruined, milk production is reduced and animals natural distressed. Excessive heat causes power lines to sag and essay out. As more people use fans or air conditioning, demand for electricity is pushed to the point wikipedia supply companies can no longer cope.

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