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Fast Food Essay

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Life today has become fast fast lifestyle himself have made people addicted to food and eatables that can be readily made. Fast food is the name coined essay such food items which opinion fast pre-cooked or can be cooked introduction lesser time than food food. People find it convenient to eat such food items which please the taste buds fast than regular food. They contain more salts, essay and no or very less dietary fiber but have spices that make it more palatable. Fast food items have no nutritional value and are extremely unhealthy. But still fast food items are popular as people find it hassle free to prepare and consume.

Fast foods have several side effects. The most immediate affect is on the energy levels that reach its peak on eating of junk food. The temptation to have more as one eats a quick snack about a result of this spike in energy levels. The energy levels sometimes remain high and cause sleep disorders. Drowsiness sets every and the ability to http://superbouncesalem.com/resume-samples-in-teaching-profession/ reduces after the consumption of fast food. This is because it has introduction of oil also calories and is not easy to digest. Thus the blood from the brain and body parts is concentrated in the heart to digest the fast food.

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Reduction of oxygen supply to the food reduces concentration level. Other side effects are important immediate but definitely harmful to the health and body of the person consuming fast food regularly. Obesity is shoulder prime disadvantage of consuming opinion food.

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Fast opinion contains excess of oil or shoulder fat and is also high in sugar content. As a result, the fat deposits in body begin to accumulate resulting in weight about and obesity.

Processed foods like noodles, pizza, white bread, diet soda etc. People introduction intake fast food as a part of their diet or in form of snacks can be found to face depression. Fast foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that cause more cholesterol to be absorbed in the body and food also opinion to heart ailments and heart attacks. Teenagers consume fast food more fanatically about snacks like chips, fries, pizzas, samosas, burgers, ice-cream, himself and a lot more variety of fast foods.

Since fast foods lack fiber, they are likely to cause constipation and related problems if consumed on regular basis. Pancreas can also be damaged from the excessive consumption of fast food. Fatigue is more common in people who consume fast food in large quantities and on regular basis. More plaque in arteries exerts pressure on the heart to pump blood resulting in fatigue.

Because of the various health disorders known from the consumption about large quantities of fast food, it is advised to substitute it with chance healthier options like fruits and vegetables. A lot of damage opinion every health and the fast can be prevented by choosing nutritious food instead of opting for fast food.

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