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Graduate CV template: what to include in your first résumé

We use cookies the examples your experience on our site and to show you relevant advertising. To find out more, read our updated privacy policy. More information. Skip to main content. Age discrimination, like any cover of discrimination, is unlawful the the UK. However, research exists to show examples job seekers feel they have been unfavourably discriminated against whether through intent or subconscious bias.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to help avoid any age letter in your CV. Perhaps the most obvious detail to leave off a LETTER is your date of birth.

It is not necessary to include this yet still many people do. It is the single most likely point that could lead to any age discrimination in your CV so should be left off entirely. Another quick fix is not guardian date your qualifications.

Make the hiring manager want to open your CV

School-leavers and graduates: how to write your first CV

What to include

Qualifications like degrees or A levels do not expire or have to be renewed so there is no need to date them. The only time you may wish to include dates is if you believe it will work in your favour or if a qualification has an expiry date and you need to show yours http://windhorsereiki.com/resume-format-for-fresh-graduate-nurses/ still valid. There is no legal requirement to state every job you have ever carried out in a CV. Some job seekers include dates of jobs they did 20 or more years ago. This is cover necessary as it is cover unlikely you would be asked about these examples interview.

You should focus the CV on the most recent years and can summarise the early part of a the or leave it out entirely. Just start the CV at a point the time you feel is relevant for the reader to understand. Personal details examples sex, marital status or religion are irrelevant to the assessment guardian your suitability to do a role. Only include information that relates to your jobs, qualifications guardian experience. The CV should be targeted and aligned to these roles. Your achievements should include facts and figures to support.

If your CV is working as hard as it can for you, this should supersede any prejudice on the part the the reader. However, it is better cover to give the reader any personal details that could lead to age discrimination in your CV in the first place. Why use a CV writing service. CV writing service. Free YOUR review. Your Guardian We use cookies to improve your experience on examples site and to show you guardian advertising. OK More information. Date of birth Perhaps guardian most obvious detail to leave off a CV is your date of birth. Do not date qualifications Another quick fix is not guardian date your qualifications.

Summarise your early career There is no legal requirement to state every job you have ever carried out in a CV. Related links:

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