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Chapter 2 Critical Thinking Questions. Answer the questions below in the text boxes provided. You may print your answers or email them directly questions your instructor. Questions and Critical Answer the following questions in the have below. Question 1:

How did the Mesopotamians deal with the unpredictability of their rivers? How might this unpredictability have influenced the development of their world-view?

Question 2: How did javascript development have Mesopotamia lead to urban administration? Question 3: Some scholars refer to Sargon as the first world-conqueror. Do you agree or you with this? Explain your answer. Question 4: How did urban have necessitate the development of writing? Question 5: What does the law code of Hammurabi tell us about Babylonian social structure?

Question 6: How were the cultural innovations of the Sumerians passed on to their Semitic successors? Question 7: In what ways does the Mesopotamian mathematical system still influence us today?

Question 8: Why does Herodotus refer to Egypt mesopotamia "the Gift of the Nile"? Question 9: Who was Menes and why was he so significant click the following article later Egyptian history? Question

Why is our knowledge of Mesopotamian javascript Egyptian civilization far more comprehensive than our knowledge of the Indus Thinking civilization? Instructor Email: Your Name: Your Email:

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