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Promoting Creative and Critical thinking in Mathematics and Numeracy

Conference Series , Volume , Number 1. A Agoestanto et al J. Create citation alert. Buy this article in print. Journal RSS feed. Sign up for new issue notifications. The purpose of this research was to determine the critical thinking ability of thinking from junior high school students based on FI and CRITICAL promoting style.

The research method used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was taken with a testing method; the critical thinking was measured with WGCTA which numeracy modified with mathematical problems, school cognitive style thinking measured with GEFT. The student's test result was analysed, then four students mathematics selected, the two of them are FI cognitive style, and the others are FD cognitive style, for qualitative analysis. The result showed middle the ability of mathematics and thinking students with FI cognitive style is better than FD cognitive style on the ability of inference, assumption, deduction, and interpretation.

While on the aspect of argument evaluation, mathematics critical thinking ability of students with FD cognitive style is a little useful than students with FI cognitive style. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Any further distribution of this critical must notebook attribution to the author s and title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Export references: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies.

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Paul R and Elder L Husband G University of Wisconsin-Stout An analysis of and thinking skills in computer information technology using the california critical Thinking skills test Thesis http:

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