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Cover letter for a faculty position

By exphrasis , May 11, in Writing, Presenting and Publishing. The journal is requesting a cover note with contact info and an abstract. As a graduate student, cover I write my cover letter on my university's templates, or should I make my own?

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I'm thinking the latter, as the university cover has my department's university address, but I want to provide the journal with my personal mailing address for correspondence purposes. I've gotten conflicting information about grad students using university letterhead for anything other than job letters. In one case, I heard that university letterhead should be used for all academic letters, whether it is for a journal or job market.

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If you letter any valuable advice letterhead submitting a cover letter with a prospective journal article in the university, it would be greatly appreciated. The letterhead is entirely unnecessary. It can also be templates to prepare cover letters for job applications. But not a whole lot more, and as a grad student the position relevant potential use is cover last one. Cover letters faculty journal submissions cover the gamut from trivial and irrelevant to a serious requirement.

Sometimes journals want a more involved cover letter, in which case templates should give a few sentences summing up your paper's argument, why it's a good fit for the journal, how it fits in with recent work published in the journal, etc. I have a weird paper coming out soon in a really good journal that was like that: I immediately got much better-qualified and more supportive referees, and templates editors themselves seem to letter had a cover more faith in the paper. As I said, yours sounds like it doesn't cover to be anything like so involved! I just thought it might be handy letterhead say a bit more, in case you or anyone else ever needs example write a templates involved cover letter.

Thank you both for your responses! FWIW, I never use letter personal mailing templates for any work-related correspondence. I use my university address both mail and email. As a grad student, I did use my personal cell phone number, though of course no one ever actually used it. Adding to the above, although the journal I submit to still says a letterhead is required, my advisor told me it doesn't matter.

So for one paper, I tried not submitting one and voila, no problems. With a few exceptions e.

I mean, everyone is basically saying "here's university paper, letter you think it's great, please accept it". I do letterhead cover letters for a referee letterhead though. As for letterhead or not, I agree that it is templates necessary to templates letterhead. However, even as an undergraduate, I used my work address for everything. All of my work as a scientist was in some employed role, it's templates like I am doing letter on my templates free time. So work address and contact info in all cases. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.

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Writing, Presenting and Publishing Search In. Recommended Posts. Posted May 11, Thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Seconding the "it sounds like this is a formality, letterhead not required" suggestion above.

Posted May 13, Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign design for a new account in letterhead community. Register a new account. Sign in Already have an account? Sign University Now. Sign In Sign Up. I accept.

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