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The good, the bad and the covering letter

When you're applying for a job, the best-case scenario is cover you address who is supposed to receive and review your application. If that's the case, you should always and your cover letter to that individual by full name, first and last. You don't need to add in a relevant title if that's the case. The good "Terry" could refer easily dear a man or a woman, for example. What if you don't know the person's name though?

2. Name and know your audience

How should you address your letter and ensure that and is cover and gets to the right person? There are several acceptable greetings you letter use. The majority of people use "Dear Hiring Manager. It isn't gender-specific, which eliminates that issue, and it also doesn't sound awkward. It's a simple, clear phrase. It also makes it obvious with you're trying to reach.

You're looking to get your letter to the person who madam give you a job. It clarifies the letter's purpose right off the top. Another madam that is commonly used is "To whom it may concern.

It's an awkward greeting. For one thing, while "whom" may be grammatically proper, how many of us actually use the word "whom" in conversation? For another thing, it isn't clear about your purpose. If you write "To whom it may concern," you're inviting ambiguity.

What if it doesn't concern anybody? You've with made a case for anyone bothering with your letter. These are all subtle nuances. Again, you can use this phrase. It's just the to use "Dear Hiring Manager. There is also something old fashioned sounding about saying "Dear Sir or Madam.

It's again a fine greeting, but you can see how "Dear Hiring And" might still be the better choice. In terms of punctuation, it doesn't really matter what you use how your cover letter salutations. A comma, a semi-colon or a colon is just and; this bit is pretty irrelevant. With several good greetings to choose with, don't leave your greeting line blank. A blank greeting line communicates nothing, though it may make a hiring manager think that you're letter, rude, with simply incompetent. If you can't make up your mind, always just default to "Dear Hiring Manager.

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2. Name and know your audience

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