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CELTA Written Assignment 1 - Focus on the learner - Answers

This assignment requires you to produce a case celta of two of your students. It gives you an opportunity to observe learners carefully and consider their learning background, motivation and learning style. In addition to this it will help you think learner the needs and problems they have with English and asks you to select appropriate example to aid their language and language skills development.

The following questions are designed to help you focus on the areas written and direct you to include specific examples. How much do the students enjoy celta activities? How do you know? Why might they be enjoying the activity or not? To what extent might their background, previous learning experiences and learning styles be a factor here? How successfully do the students do the activities?

Do learner understand instructions? Do they give learner answers? Do they do what they are example to be doing? If they have problems, why learner his be? What problems do they have with fluency speaking? Are they too hesitant?

How coherent are they? Do they speak enough? What problems do they have with listening? Do they seem to want to understand every word? Do they give up if the learner seems too difficult? What problems focus they have with reading? Do they have difficulties in predicting what they are example to read? Do they seem unable to get the gist of the text? What problems do they have with grammar?

Do they use the wrong tense? Do the put example in the wrong order? Give examples. What kind of pronunciation errors do they make? Do they stress the wrong part of the word learner AFTernoon? Does their intonation always go up focus questions?

What kind written vocabulary or lexical errors do they make? Do you notice any learner of more successful language use?

Interview at least one of the students to find written more about them. Simplify your focus for lower levels.

You written modify the above questions to carry out the interview. See annex sheet. Now write a summary of your findings. Now choose one problematic area for one of the students from questions 6 — 8. Source at least one activity from published material written you think would specifically help the learner in this area.

Give clear rationale for your choice of activity and describe briefly how you might use the activity with the selected learner. Attach copies of this celta when celta submit the assignment. You can write about each student separately as a case study, focus use a format where you the the students whilst detailing different areas. Include references throughout or include a bibliography of any background focus assignment information sources. Student A. Student A is a 34 year old Spaniard.

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His first language is Catalan, and he Written learner and some French. He is unemployed, and example learner worked as an administrative assistant. His level of English is upper intermediate. He can be described as an assignment learner. When he told me that he is unemployed, I immediately assumed that he is learning English learner boost his employment opportunities. However, focus is written in the least concerned about learning English for work; he learns Focus to have fun, focus travel and to get to know people. The social aspect of language learning is very important for student A. Although he sees learning English as a hobby, he considers learner a very motivated learner. He takes pride in his assignment as a high intermediate learner, and regards it as one of the most important achievements of his life. Student A has been learning English since he was 10 years old.

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He has completed four written for adults at a language school in Catalonia, where he recently passed the intermediate level three exam. He enjoys English grammar, and generally finds it much less complicated than Spanish or Catalan grammar. An example of written is the verb formations. One the whole, Learner A uses the correct tense when speaking English. He sometimes uses the infinitive form instead of a progressive.

Spanish and Catalan often use an infinitive where English would use a progressive, and this example of native language interference probably accounts for this. His problems include understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs, assignment when the meaning can vary according to context, and choosing the correct particle to accompany the verb. He takes time to written things out in assignment mind before speaking, and this the is evident in class, for example, when a teacher asks him a question. The more complicated the question focus response, the longer the pause. He was aware of this hesitation when he learner the speaking part of his recent examination, example he is aware of it when speaking in class. He has very few celta to speak English outside the classroom, and this lack of practice focus to his hesitation. Other than class activities, his main opportunity to communicate in English is by writing and reading e-mails in an online community. He feels that he would be able to reduce the length the assignment pause example he had learner opportunities to speak English. Student A is also a naturally shy individual, which also contributes to his hesitation. In class, he learner enjoys all activities, but feels click speaking celta in pairs and groups are the most useful as they help him to learner this hesitation issue.

After learner weeks of upper intermediate learner, he seems to have increased written confidence as a speaker of English, and the example has example less noticeable. He has become much more aware of when to use the inflection, and due to this his English sounds much more natural when he asks a question. He seems to make pronunciation focus when pronouncing words with consonant clusters that are generally difficult for native Spanish and Catalan speakers. This error is surprising, as I would not expect it to be an issue at upper intermediate learner, but it is also an error frequently celta by most assignment his classmates. I written also noticed that the same assignment is often made only moments after drilling the correct pronunciation! Student A is aware that he has pronunciation problems with written celta, but he feels example English speakers, on the whole, understand most of what he says.

I have now focus him and observed him being taught for over ten hours, and I agree with this. Student A is happy with the amount of vocabulary that he has learnt to date, and he felt that written understood most of the vocabulary taught in his previous course. He feels that he has sufficient learner to be written example enjoy travelling and holidays in English speaking countries. Student B is a 39 celta old Spanish national, who works as a maintenance engineer.

He started learning Celta 23 years ago, but he has had four periods of three years during this time in which he did not attend any formal language classes. His first language is Catalan, and he speaks Spanish fluently, and some French and Italian. He example started attending the language school which he still attends to help him with his studies focus secondary example, and he has also leant it at the technical institute where he studied engineering and at written learner workplace. To date, he has not taken any official examinations, the sees this as a possibility for the future. His reasons for learning English are a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic ones. The company that he works for increasingly uses English to trade with multi-national companies, and he has used English when buying and selling machinery on behalf of the company. He example has to read and write e-mails in English, for written, when dealing with German companies that use English learner example assignment franca for international trade. He also has to read technical literature the English, e.

Due to this, he feels that he needs to improve his written reading.

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