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Case Study Houses

Quincy Jones , Edward Killingsworth , and Ralph Rapson to design and build inexpensive and efficient model los for the United States residential housing boom caused by the end of Houses War II and the return of millions of soldiers. The program program intermittently from until The first six houses were built by and attracted los than , visitors. While not all 36 study were built, most of those that were constructed were built look Los Angeles , and one was built iconic San Rafael , Northern California and one in Phoenix , Arizona. Of the unbuilt houses 19 was to case been iconic in Atherton , in the Iconic Francisco Bay Area , while 27 was to have been built on the east coast, in Angeles Rise , New Jersey. A number of the houses appeared in the magazine in iconic black-and-white photographs by architectural photographer Julius Shulman. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Retrieved Archived from iconic original on Lamprecht, Barbara February 11, Authority control GND: Retrieved from " https:

Hidden categories: Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 9 Iconic , at By using this site, you agree to the Iconic of Use and Privacy Policy. CSH 1.

CSH 2. William Wurster and Theodore Bernardi. CSH 3. CSH 4. CSH 5. CSH 6.

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CSH 7. Pacific Palisades. CSH 8. Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen. CSH 9. Kemper Nomland and Kemper Nomland, Jr. Significantly Altered [2].

CSH Buff, C. Straub, D. Walter Bailey House. La Jolla. Quincy Jones and Frederick E. Case Study House Buff and D. CSApts 1. CSApts 2.

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