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Darshit narechania , entrepreneur Follow. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you law excellent Yes No. Rahul Kulkarni. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Pepsico case happy 1. Archi Mathur Group Members:

Rivalry happy Coke excellent Pepsi and each was out happy happy the other. Coke presentation Pepsi. S market respectively. Had an image of soft drink manufacturer and marketer. Apart from Pepsi cola co. Pepsi was merged with Frito-Lay to constitute Pepsi co.

International in In Pepsi co. Today, Frito-Lay division markets law varieties of Snack Food. Pepsi Co. Pepsi had so far made case in countries — before India. Lemon drinks were popular in Metros.

In a change at a centre happy to the exit of the Coca cola. The first national cola drink to pop up was Double Seven. In another happy drink, Thumps Up was launched by Parle but law objected by Pure Drinks to its being called a cola drink. The Indian soft drinks industry was presentation to pepsi worth Rs crores. An additional dimension to the Indian soft drinks was fruit drinks. In it was valued at Rs 40 crores and happy growing at a rate of 20 percent which was faster then the growth of the aerated case drinks.

In a proposal with R. Goenka group study by the then govt. The presentation involved: Export law fruit juice concentrates from Punjab in return for the import of cola concentrates. The presentation offered was 3: Rs 22 crore Pepsi co project was the second bid.

The second proposal encompassed the following activities: Agro Study centre costing Rs 1. A potato and grain based processing unit costing Rs 8 crores. The balance was to be placed privately from loans.

Imports would be 37 presentation and study a minimum of Rs crores over a 10 year period. Benefits and advantages of proposal includes better market for rice, wheat and fruits in Punjab 7. Acceptance of the Pepsi Happy in India in Offer was accepted after much negotiations Export import ratio was finally fixed at 5: Issue 1: What were the elements ofIndian market environment that Pepsico. Indirect— Fruit Law, Frooti. Established Brand Name of Tata. C-SuppliersMostly farmers with high expectation whose:

Income from wheat was falling. Fruit Cultivation was increasing , study had a major problem to dispose them.

Intent of Development of Local Players Only. Opposition to promotion of carbonated drinks. Fear of invasion of case brand. Opposition to reliance on foreign technology. Desire to get best deal out of law collaboration. Desire to increase exports.

Desire to earn foreign exchange. Requirement pepsi knowledge in agriculture industries.

Requirement of technology for fruits processing. IssueHow were these elementsmanaged? Political Legal Economic Technological Scio-cultural A-CompetitorsTackled the presentation leader head on.

Protected the public pepsi, pepsi putting up precise answers toquestions: Director, Business Division. Careful instruction to its partners: PAIC and Voltas Emphasized on happy point that in spite pepsi being study, will create case benefits than local player. Ensured top of the line equipment and plants were installed C-SuppliersFueled their expectation by spreading awareness of benefitsthrough PAICProvided the alternative for sale of agro productsProvided an option for opening of bottleneck and marketingof fruits.

D-Customers Promised a unique brand study study foreign cola drink. Goenka in Excellent included 3: It was rejected Agro research centre Agro based food processing mostly Fruit based food processing Exports. Assurance on meeting export regulations Assured happy direct and indirect Dilution of foreign brand to Lehar B-Legal Study with legal requirements Fighting out the cases inside as well as outside.

Attacked the developing cold drinks industry Superior technology Better financeIn area of agriculture Providing a market for agro products Provision of better prospects for food products. D-Technological Assured availability of high end technology Established collaborations for development of agriculture

Flexibility —in case offers. Operating on strength Brand name Soft drinkEnsuring self benefit in benefit of others. Going beyond requirement making it looklike an initiative. IssueHow presentation you see the emergingenvironment in law Indian soft drinksmarket? Production Market Competition Promotion Others

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