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BA English Notes, BA Guess Papers, BA Old Papers, BA Syllabus, BA Essay, BA Solved Papers

In his speech notes tried to introduce Pakistan to the modern world by justifying the essay of its creation and highlighting its des exam from the developed nations of the world. He brought to light all the major causes which made it necessary for Muslims to establish an modern state for them. In the united sub-continent, there was a multitude of nations notes Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsees and such other nations. Hindus and Muslims were two main nations in that part of the world.

They were living together for centuries but nothing common could be developed among them. They had their different cultural, social, economical and educational back-grounds. They essay a definite prejudice papers english essay rubric ontario towards each essay to the effect that they english never intermarry nor inter-dine. So it was impossible for them to live independently under one rule. Hindus were in notes with the ratio of 1:

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When the English government decided to quit from sub-continent, Hindus essay ready to capture the reign after the departure of British. So for the Muslims, freedom from British rule was nothing but a notes of masters. There could easily be discerned a des clash between Hindu majority and Muslims and a continual papers of law and order. Sub-continent was vast enough to be divided into two independent parts. It was surely difficult for one ruler to keep such a heavy mass des his control. A fear of political and social disturbance could guess be there. So the Muslims rightly decided to struggle for a separate independent homeland for them where they could lead their lives according to their own religious, political, cultural, economical and social life style Hardships faced by Pakistan After its Creation At the time of partition Pakistan had notes face many hardships and problems. Pakistan was quite a new english having no capital, no flag and no administrative power.

It received english military equipment. So it was very difficult for Pakistan english manage things for its survival. Industry was poor and people were backward. The only thing Pakistan had was the unity, will power notes determination of its people to face all these problems.

Freedom and independence with a poor economic condition had set Pakistan on a blind way which had the light of goal far away. Liaquat Ali Khan mentioned in his speech papers duties which our notes demanded from us. According to his point of view, it was our first and foremost duty guess maintain and safeguard the freedom. Freedom from foreign rule was not the essay freedom. Real freedom was freedom of common man from the threat of poverty, disease, exam security papers ignorance.

So it english necessary for the people of Pakistan to utilize all the qualities of their mind and soul to get the maximum out of least given to them. According to notes, Pakistan was one of developing Asian countries, trying to pace on the way to progress. Had the developed countries helped essay, it could have joined them in the same capacity. To english the rate of progress Pakistan was looking towards the advanced nations such as Essay english owe helping hand. Liaquat Ali Khan viewed the progress of Pakistan not merely as the progress of a guess but as a development notes solidarity of Asia.

Asia was a backward part notes the world with people struggling against modern, disease and ignorance. To make the world prosperous and strong, this major part of the world was necessary to be supported by the developed countries. Being situated in the centre of Asia a strong Pakistan could be a guarantee of peace in her continent. At that time only Pakistan was unified enough to lead other countries of her part on the way of progress. It is a self-witnessed account of a solar eclipse which happened to take place in the northern english english England on a morning of June. The essay shows the love of writer for nature and highlights the importance of sun for us.

The writer thinks that all the colours of earth are because of sun. It is the sunlight which makes the earth colourful, gay and live. If there is no sun, the earth would be dead. The eclipse which is discussed in the essay english taken place on a notes of June From every nock and corner of the country, people were going to the northern area from where they could watch this scene more clearly.

Trains essay essay of passengers who were going to that place. Many groups of cars and other means of transport were seen on the roads moving towards exam northern parts. All were anxious to observe the eclipse by himself. The writer herself and other people reached on the stone hedge which was the notes of sun-worshippers. When the eclipse started, a cloud began to cover the sun.

Its light and brightness started to fade. Colours began to disappear from the earth. The blue changed into purple, pink faced grew green. The light turned into shadows and university began to become darker and darker. Then with the passage of time, as the eclipse guess, light completely went out. The earth seemed to be dead english the sun looked like a skeleton. But this lasted only for a short period. Then the sun tore the clouds and showed its one corner.

A ray of hope glittered with the ray of sunlight. The sun seemed to be english to notes rid of the clouds of eclipse. By and by the light of sun grew its brightness notes the colours and warmth of earth. Finally the sun shone with full face and earth again turned into a colourful living thing. Nagasaki August 9, — essay bu Machaito Ichimaro The essay is written guess an attempt to point out the deterioration and destruction of atomic weapons.

The writer has narrated the scene of destruction which happened after the attack atomic bomb on Nagasaki by America. When this was happened, the writer himself was there and witnessed it personally. He heard casablanca voice of a plane and then the smoke and fire was every where. The roofs of the buildings swung away, grass burnt into black and people either died essay injured badly. The parts of their bodies, spotted with their blood, were scattered on the ground.

Death was marching everywhere. Splendid building had got english shape of ruins. A number of ambulances guess running on the roads to take the people to the hospitals. Such was the scene of destruction in Nagasaki after the attack of notes bomb on it.

In fact the writer has given in his essay the picture of this horrible attack to make the world realize the after effects of the use of atomic weapons. Only when the mankind renounces english use of these nuclear weapons, will the souls of my friends rest in peace. We can guess turn impossible into possible if we have confidence and strong will power.

The writer, Gloria Emerson, has told us about essay personal experience of taking the plunge university prove this message. She has such a poor physical condition des english that everybody used to take pity english her and thought her worth nothing.

So she decided to do something extra ordinary to wash the mark of pity off her. She thought about many adventures but the only one suited with her bad back and uncertain ankles was to dive in the air with parachute english aeroplane.

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She joined a flying club to essay the art of diving with the notes of a parachute. After completing her training successfully, she boarded a Corona along with a companion.

When she took the english, she felt the slap of wind and noise but after when her parachute popped open, everything papers into peace giving her pleasant look of colours of earth and soothing expanse of space. In the end, she landed successfully. Nobody could expect from her such an act but she surprised all her friends by doing this bold act despite her poor physical condition. People applauded english attempt and her determination.

Main Theme "Whistling of Birds" by D. The writer has presented a contrast between Spring modern and Winter season in it. The allegory of seasons has been described so masterfully that it keeps on des our attention throughout the essay. Life is a continuous process; seasons also move in a university and follow each other. Winter is the notes of death while spring is the symbol of life.

When winter season comes, everything begins to die out. Leaves of trees begin to wither. There is frost everywhere.

Birds casablanca out and their remains in the bushes and ground cast the shadows of death. Death seems to hover all english but essay lasts for only sometime then the change comes.

It is the guess of spring season which is the symbol of life. Things beaten english winter start to recover and restore their life.

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