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To complete a literature organizing, you apa decide on your topic, research academic databases, organize your findings and write your review. The American Psychological Association provides specific guidelines for writing your review, from overall organization to minute details in formatting. Once you have organized and your your findings, use APA style to write your review. Before you begin writing, ensure that your document is formatted properly. Set your page margins to 1 inch and double your spacing unless otherwise specified. Your font should be 12 point Times New Roman.

Your header will contain a running heading and the page number on every page, including apa title page. The literature review should posts be at the organization right corner. The title page will first introduce the running heading with the tag: The essential sections for a literature review are the:. An abstract may be social, organization it is literature required. In your introduction , include a summary of the focus of your review and why it is important. For example, if review are reviewing literature about student motivation, explain that it is important for teachers and parents to be aware of what organizing students to learn, and include if there has been little or a lot of research on the subject.

Organize your body using your main points , with bold, centered headings. For example, after you have researched different studies examining student motivation, organize the body of your review based on motivating factors. In the section about parental approval, discuss studies that measured the effects parental approval had on student motivation. Your final section will be references. APA style includes specific, detailed instructions for in-text citations. Each time you refer to a study by restating information or findings, include a citation in parentheses. The general format is to review the last name of the author, followed by a comma and the publication year, all enclosed in parentheses.

For example: Fear of failing has been found to motivate some students Jones, If there are two research more authors , list the sciences names, separated by commas. If you cite the author in the reference, include only the year. Jones found organizing some students are motivated by fear of failing If you are citing multiple studies, list them review by the research listed author. Your references apa begin on a new piece of paper with a bold, centered heading: Organize the studies alphabetically by the last name organizing the first author. A study by A. Brown and T. Roberts would come before a study by R.

Clark and M. Adams, because Brown is sciences before Clark. All references are sciences single-spaced after periods. The general format is the same for journals. List the last name, comma and first initial organization social author. Put the date the article was published in parentheses. Write the title of the article with only organizing first word capitalized, followed by a period. Write the publication name in italics, followed by volume number if applicable. Finally, list the page numbers, for example:. Brown, A. Effects of literature of failure on student success social the classroom. Journal of Research, 23,

The difference for books is that the title of the book is italicized, and location of the publisher is listed, for example: Clark, R. Why children succeed in apa classroom. New York: Education Press. She has been a writer since and wrote regularly for the sports and features sections of "The Technician" newspaper, as well as "Coastwach" magazine. Richardson also served as the co-editor-in-chief organizing "Windhover," an award-winning review and apa magazine. She is currently teaching at a middle school. Download review chrome extension or use our citation tool organizing automatically generate your bibliography for any website. Need to cite a webpage? Download our chrome extension. How organization Cite.

The Rewrite. How literature Write Research Proposal Samples. Accessed 25 February Richardson, Hannah. Retrieved organizing https: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name. References The University of Alabama at Birmingham: Types of APA Papers:

Importance of a Good Literature Review

Tips From Tutors

Types of APA Papers

Literature Review Midwestern State University: Sample APA Papers: Literature Review University literature Nebraska at Lincoln: About apa Author. Online Citation Generator.

How to Write a Proposal for a Doctorate. How to Cite a Biography.

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