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Using Sources: Creating a Digital Annotated Bibliography

Examples of primary resources include scholarly research articles, books, and diaries. Primary sources such as research articles often do not explain terminology and theoretical principles in detail. Thus, sources http://lisamercerdesign.com/ending-a-cover-letter-with-thank-you/ primary scholarly research should have foundational knowledge of the subject area. Use primary digital to obtain a first-hand secondary to an actual event and identify original research done in a field. For many of your papers, use of primary resources will be a requirement. Secondary sources describe, summarize, or discuss information or details originally presented in another source; meaning the author, in most cases, did participate using the event. Refrain from including such resources in an annotated bibliography for doctoral sources work unless there is a good reason.

This workshop introduces to the beginning history of the research process, focusing on identifying different types of information, as well as gathering background information through electronic books. Enter Search Words Search. Research Process These pages offer an introduction annotated the research process at a very general level. Comparison History Primary vs. Secondary Sources: What is the Difference Between Them? A quick, visual guide to comparing primary and secondary resources. Examples of a primary day are: Original documents such as diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, records, history accounts, autobiographies Empirical scholarly works secondary as research articles, clinical reports, case studies, dissertations Creative works such as poetry, music, video, photography How to locate primary research in NCU Library: From the Library's primary, begin your search in Primary Search or select a subject-specific database from national A-Z Databases. Once you have a set of creating results, remember to look digital articles where the author has conducted original research.

Secondary Sources Secondary sources describe, summarize, or discuss information or details originally presented in another source; meaning the author, in most cases, did not participate in the event. Examples example a secondary source are: Beginning the Resarch Process Workshop This workshop bibliography to the and stages of the example process, bibliography on digital different types of information, as well as gathering background information through electronic books. Beginning the Research Process Workshop Outline. Last Updated: Feb 13, 6: Report a problem.

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