FeedDemon 3.0 Beta

FeedDemon fue el agregador que me introdujo a las maravillas del RSS y sus aplicaciones. Lo he estado utilizando casi todos los días desde el 2004. Mañana estará disponible para descarga gratuita la versión 3.0 beta pero para aquellos que quieren adelantarse Nick Bradbury, su creador,  ha incluido el  enlace para bajarlo desde su cuenta de Twitter. Esta versión tiene las siguientes novedades:

  • Added: Redesigned «Subscriptions Home» report with popular videos and articles extracted from your feeds
  • Added: Items can now be tagged
    • Tags are synchronized with NewsGator
    • «Subscriptions Home» includes a tag cloud
    • Tags can be dragged from the tree and dropped onto a post in a FeedDemon newspaper
    • Tagged items can be excluded by the Cleanup Wizard
    • Tagging is now included in the attention algorithm
    • «G» single-key newspaper shortcut displays tag editor for current item
  • Added: «Share» icon added to newspaper which adds the item to your shared clippings. Note: If you have multiple shared clippings folders, you can change which one this feature uses by right-clicking on «Clippings» and selecting «Choose default clippings folder.»
  • Added: Ability to view all unread or flagged items at once
  • Added: Hovering over a short URL (TinyURL.com, etc.) now shows the full URL in a balloon tip so you know where the URL redirects (great when browsing Twitter). For a list of supported URL shortening services, see the file ShortUrl.xml in FeedDemon’s \Data subfolder.
  • Added: Automatic hyperlinking of URLs, @replies, #hashtags and author names in Twitter feeds. Profile pictures will also be displayed when subscribing to the Atom version of a Twitter feed if the feed is in a folder that isn’t synchronized.
  • Added: «Reply» link in newspaper when viewing a post from a Twitter feed
  • Added: Redesigned toolbutton icons
  • Added: «Icons» button added to Options|Reading which enables choosing which icons should appear beneath each item in the newspaper (due to this addition, several of the default icons from previous versions are now hidden by default)
  • Added: Startup and Import wizards now enable importing your Google Reader subscriptions
  • Added: Close button added to individual browser tabs
  • Added: Significant performance improvements in «Popular Topics,» «Search Subscriptions,» newspaper display and many other areas
  • Added: «Export Newspaper» added to File menu – exports all posts from all pages in the active newspaper to an external HTML document
  • Added: «Surfer» newspaper style now remembers whether thumbnails have been collapsed
  • Added: «Enable page transitions» has been added to Options|Appearance, which defaults to being enabled unless IE8 is installed (a bug in IE8 Beta 2 causes the transitions to fail)
  • Added: FeedDemon attempts to detect when script debugging is enabled in Internet Explorer and asks whether to turn it off (script debugging causes error dialogs to popup while browsing inside any application that embeds IE)
  • Added: Fixed header in reports/newspapers (requires IE7 or later)
  • Added: «Browser Home» added to tabbed browser context menu
  • Added: Hourglass icon now appears on browser tabs that are still loading
  • Added: Main menu can be toggled by right-clicking any toolbar and selecting «Show main menu»
  • Added: Theme selection added to Appearance page in Options (this replaces the «UI Style» option from previous versions)
  • Added: Newspaper now displays «new items received» message when new items are downloaded in the feed or folder showing in the newspaper
  • Added: «Export Top Feeds» added to File menu
  • Added: «Panic Button» now enables marking everything more than 12 hours old as read
  • Added: «Attention Report» now enables exporting top feeds as OPML
  • Added: Embedded ads via The Deck
  • Added: Support for NGES ratings and group clippings (NewsGator Enterprise Server only)
  • Added: Cleanup Wizard and Panic Button can now be limited to specific folders
  • Added: Feed and folder properties now enable specifying how many days to keep items
  • Added: When you switch to a language file other than the default, FeedDemon validates it to make sure it doesn’t have any missing entries or arguments. If any problems are found, a dialog will alert that the language file contains errors and recommend that it not be used. Details on the errors are also shown in this dialog, which should help translators debug their work.
  • Added: Support for GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP and truecolor ICO favicons (149843)
  • Added: «Ignore new items older than» added to folder properties
  • Added: Enclosure icon added to feed preview (138822)

Y hay planes en un futuro cercano de añadir sincronización con Google Reader. No se puede pedir más.


1 comentario

    • Eric Flores el domingo 12 de abril de 2009 a las 4:24 pm

    Usé RSS-Popper por varios años. El hecho de estar dentro de Outlook era una gran conveniencia porque a todas luces parecía que estabas leyendo e-mail de trabajo.

    En mi busqueda de una opción ‘portable’ para correr desde mi USB pen drive prové FeedDemon y me gustó mucho, pero cuando la base de datos crecía mucho tardaba bastante al moverse de un artículo al próximo.

    Luego encontré FeedReader ( http://www.feedreader.com/ ), y lo estuve usando por varios meses. Es comparable a FeedDemon (aunque no idéntico) y bastante mas rápido.

    Finalmente terminé usando una combinación de programas en el iPhone, y así puedo leer los blogs en cualquier momento. Para RSS de texto tradicionales uso Manifesto y para RSS de audio y video uso Podstreamer (también conocido como Streamcaster).

    Viigo es una opción similar a Manifesto para aquellos que usan Blackberries.

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