Para Steven Johnson la Web 2.0 es como un ecosistema de información dónde los datos circulan como los nutrientes en un bosque tropical mientras que la Web 1.0 se puede comparar con un desierto.
Essentially, the Web is shifting from an international library of interlinked pages to an information ecosystem, where data circulate like nutrients in a rain forest.
In the Web 2.0 model, we have thousands of services scrutinizing each new piece of information online, grabbing interesting bits, remixing them in new ways, and passing them along to other services. Each new addition to the mix can be exploited in countless new ways, both by human bloggers and by the software programs that track changes in the overall state of the Web. Information in this new model is analyzed, repackaged, digested, and passed on down to the next link in the chain. It flows.
Fuente: Emerging Technology
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